awareness [Theme] Page 6

The caterpillar holds Locke's view of
immutability of personality, which is primarily expressed in the stability of memory. The personality is aware of itself as such, because it remembers its own past and is able to revive in memory its personal experience.
Quote Explanation: In the comments of the book
№ 403849   Added MegaMozg 16-09-2020 / 12:06
The fruit, the result of repentance must be a consciousness that's more to do people will not.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the book Roxanne Bondarevskiy "girl, Interrupted. Abortion. Remorse. Healing"
№ 401790   Added MegaMozg 31-07-2020 / 20:21
"Only two things happen to us in absolute solitude: death and the understanding." We die alone, and anything can understand only with your mind. Other for us not to die, the other for us is not aware of.
№ 401137   Added MegaMozg 23-07-2020 / 14:03
I know how ridiculous that sounds, sorry, but sometimes, in the darkest days, knowing that the plant will die if I don't water, was the only force that can lift me out of bed.
№ 400599   Added MegaMozg 17-07-2020 / 09:33
The world is much more varied and innovative than we can imagine.
№ 399823   Added MegaMozg 04-07-2020 / 09:12
Besides, weren't all men does not exist a kind of unspoken partnership? Reciprocal and General awareness of his own importance?
№ 397374   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:32
Question: the Spirit, that once in the period of mankind that does more traces than he was before, the traces of the state during a period which can be called pre-human period?
Answer: It depends on the time potekshego between the two periods, and the progress of the perfect spirit. In the first few incarnations of it may remain more or less clear reflection of the primitive of its existence, because in nature there are no abrupt transitions; there are always links that support continuity as the chain of beings and events, but these traces fade as the development of free will. Initially the progress is slow, because it is not supported yet will; as well as the spirit gains more consciousness, the progress is faster.
Quote Explanation: N 609
№ 397021   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2020 / 14:18
Question: Idiot, being a spirit, whether he is aware of his mental condition?
Answer: Yes, very often he is aware of it; he realizes that the chains its output, the essence of the test or redemption.
Quote Explanation: N 374
№ 396428   Added MegaMozg 28-05-2020 / 20:51
To understand means to take care of what is and what is not, about being and nothingness. And the only way to realize the nothingness (what is not) is to think about what could be. It is impossible to think of nothingness. We try to imagine it, but it ends with a representation of something that we know (or think) does not exist. But, of course, it is no longer non-existent, once we thought about it. It exists at least in our imagination, and in fact is the cradle of all human creations. And when we think about what yet, but that could be, we think about what you want to realize. Our thoughts are inevitably confronted what is, with what we wish, and soon we imagine, what we could be and thus embark on a path of searching God. This God above God. I believe that God coincides with the deepest aspirations of the human being to its own being.
№ 396251   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:28
We all seek God, everything. Atheists and agnostics are no less passionate than the pilgrims. We can abandon the search nothing more than to stop the flow of our consciousness.
№ 396250   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:27
Basically, as far as we know, the world and the cosmos exist as a perfect clock which was once wound and now you go and will go on forever. From the condensed moisture to form clouds, which rain down on areas where increased mass of greenery, promotes condensation, etc. the Whole design is wonderfully thought out to work without opening the factory seal. Of course, sometimes man intervenes and breaks the seal (eats the Apple), and then the great clock stop or change rhythm at least for one shot. Nevertheless, man is part of this plan. But he is something more. Man is the special element of the system element with knowledge of the whole system and about himself. It is absolutely clear that man does not know everything - or maybe doesn't even know the most part about the system and about themselves, but the fact that he knows something, change the whole course of things. In a broad perspective (a hundred years, a million?) it may be better or worse (for whom and for what?), what he knows, but that's not it. The fact that a person knows. And that's another very real divine ability that man possesses: we participate in the great work of creation. We are creating not only new meanings and images in our subjective world. We also - as we know - the only creatures in the entire cosmic system who consciously choose from the endless possibilities of those elements, which are implemented in reality. We humans are architects of reality, constantly altering reality and more or less successfully adapting it to their needs. So when I speak about finding God hidden in man, I mean, quite literally, believe in the divine power that resides in each of us - in creativity and awareness of our participation in determining the shape of the world.
№ 396248   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:27
Popular culture - movies, novels, TV shows - has created the image of a healing effect that has on people sudden insight, a new perspective on my life. This has led to what I call the "detective" direction in psychotherapy. Many patients treat themselves this way and are willing to examine their own actions, words, clauses, dreams and everything else, to find evidence on the basis of which it would be possible to build a case. The difference between "insight" to which come (therapist, patient, or both) with the help of a detective psychotherapy and through awareness of inner feelings, this is the same as the distinction between artificial lighting and sunlight. The first may show us things that we otherwise would not see, but only the latter has all the properties that we need for life and growth.
№ 396246   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:27
Analysis of the individual as futile as any medical event in relation to the dead. Who I was is dead; my awareness (I'm aware of) is now alive and moving, constantly changing.
№ 396245   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:26
My true essence is "awareness". In other words, I distorted or enlarged. I don't have a product of these processes; I am in the process itself. So, if I realize that I have distorted our awareness, that I have partially restored him; when I realize that one can improve his awareness, what I'm doing. It is easy to lose sight of the importance of this identity for our lives and our consciousness. We, Westerners, are so used to the objective view of the world that is constantly trying to transform its own being into the object. And to find the most suitable for this effort objects. The object is a person. Personality consists of all truly objective aspects of our being. It includes our body image, our ideas about its nature, our assumptions about how we are perceived by others, and our personal history. So the concept of "personality" is an abstraction, perceptual and conceptual object. It's not who I am; it is rather what I was and what I did. Personality is a product of It's flushed skin, externally observable aspect of what has changed and is absolutely pure and completely subjective process.
№ 396244   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:26
... our nature is fully embodied in awareness. So, the more I realize, the more alive you are. The more I distort their awareness, the more spoil his life. The more I increase the volume and mobility of your consciousness, the more complete is my experience.
№ 396243   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:26