position [Theme] Page 1

Most often, what speaks about a person with a capital “P” is not his special position in society, but his humanity.
№ 462366   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 19:50
People do not need God, because they create other idols for themselves - power and money, position and what they call decency, decency, but which, in essence, is just a rag covering the dirt.
№ 461771   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 11:55
- Suicide is not my style... I will stay here too. I think this option will suit you. If you want to die, then only after me!..
Quote Explanation: Law asks Cavendish to leave him on the field covered with sunflowers to see Luffy win or die with him. Cavendish eventually leaves him, but stays with him. In the manga, chapter 783, in the anime, episode 725.
- Suicide is not my style... I will stay here too. I think...
№ 461398   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2024 / 17:54
Homeless, wayward children, about whom no one in the whole world cared, remained his primary concern. He wanted to get closer to them not only in order to return them to the fold of the church, but Padre Jose Pedro dreamed of somehow easing their situation.
№ 460202   Added Viker 18-12-2023 / 10:48
Remember this, when you gain fame, when you gain wealth, when you gain position and seniority, people will treat you better, they will keep doors open for you. They will bring you a cup of tea and coffee even if you don't ask for it. They will call you sir and madam and give you things. None of this is meant for you, it's meant for the position you hold, it's meant for the level you've reached, leadership, success or whatever you want to call it. But you will always deserve a plastic cup. Remember this, remember this lesson of humility and gratitude. Just be grateful for them and know that they are not for you forever.
№ 459780   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 18:57
Her appeal probably stems from the cheerful quality of life she preaches, but her worldwide appeal is undeniable. American television programs and films account for almost three-quarters of the global market. American popular music is also ascendant, and American hobbies, eating habits, and even clothing are increasingly being imitated around the world. The language of the Internet is English, and the vast majority of global computer chatter is also from America and influences the content of global conversations. Finally, America has become a Mecca for those seeking a modern education; An estimated half a million foreign students flock to the United States, with many of the brightest never returning home. American university graduates can be found in almost every government on every continent.
№ 459627   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 13:00
You can take away a life, you can pretend that this life never existed and there was nothing to take away, but you cannot avoid answering (not in this life, not in the next) to the lie erected. The choice is yours, you should rely on your current high position or remember what you came into this life with, led by the One who alone is able to cut the thread.
№ 459483   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 12:38
A moment of calm, a moment of silence... This is all that, in fact, an ordinary tired woman needs to wash away. Just so that no one does anything, doesn’t ask about anything, doesn’t tug at trifles, doesn’t turn upside down the house that was returned to its normal position just a minute ago! Just a moment! Just one moment not to be a mother, sister, wife and daughter, cook and cleaner, witch and conspirator. Just a moment to just be... yourself...
№ 457922   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:50
The monkey entered into the position of Darwin, Darwin entered into the position of Marx, Marx entered into the position of Freud, Freud entered into the position of Einstein, Einstein entered into the position of the monkey - and so society appeared.
№ 457510   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 11:43
When you put yourself in a dependent position, you can forget about spontaneity - a short leash of obligations is similar to shackles. It constrains and deprives you of ease.
№ 456893   Added MegaMozg 22-09-2023 / 10:57
I observe in many people the desire to be afloat, to appear on TV, to prove that you are still very good... But I am a different person! I consider all this beneath my dignity. I've had a wonderful life. My daughter and granddaughters will be happy that I played in life. And many people who remember and love me, by the way, too.
№ 456865   Added MegaMozg 20-09-2023 / 23:15
Actually, I began to explain, no one expects that a single woman can feel happy. Well... what does happy mean? Is there anyone who is truly happy? Our society has been selling happiness in a package for two for so long that being single for many seems like a big failure or even an abnormality. And the appearance of tables in restaurants
№ 456710   Added MegaMozg 11-09-2023 / 16:30
Are we just going to sit like this?
Quote Explanation: Episode 2. time 00:16:47
№ 456618   Added petrashevgant 09-09-2023 / 16:12
People of sufficient classes are so accustomed to their role as slave owners that when it comes to improving the condition of the workers, they, feeling themselves in the position of landowners, immediately begin to think up all sorts of projects for the arrangement of their slaves, but they have no idea that they do not they have no right to dispose of other people, and that if they definitely wish people well, then the only thing they can and must do is to stop doing the evil that they are now doing. And the evil that they do is very definite and clear. The bad thing they do is not only that they use the forced labor of slaves and do not want to give up this use, but also that they themselves participate in the establishment and maintenance of this forced labor. This is what they need to stop doing. The workers, on the other hand, are so corrupted by their prolonged slavery that most of them think that if their situation is bad, then the employers are to blame for this, paying them too little and owning the instruments of production; it never occurs to them that their bad situation depends only on themselves, and that if they definitely want to improve their situation and that of their brothers, and not each only for their own benefit, then the main thing that they need to do is to stop doing it themselves. bad. And the evil thing they do is that, wishing to improve their material situation by the very means by which they themselves are enslaved, the workers, for the sake of being able to satisfy the habits that they have acquired, sacrificing their human dignity and freedom, act in humiliating, immoral positions or work with unnecessary and harmful items; the main thing is that they support governments, participate in them by taxes and direct service, and thereby enslave themselves.
№ 456197   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 17:54
Narcissists are masters at creating false accusations in order to seize emotional control over their victims. Through a relentless bombardment of guilt and nit-picking, they lure their victims into a subservient position, submitting to the will of the narcissist.
№ 455707   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2023 / 13:24