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Yes, I haven’t had a man next to me for many years. Yes, I don’t know how to attract attention to myself, I don’t know how to make it clear what I would like. Yes, I don't like me, and you're right - men don't look at me. But maybe that's not the main thing. I lived my life and lived as it was typical for me. She agreed to endure the nonsense and nagging of an incompetent director, and to sit alone on weekends and in the evenings. My life had its own pleasures and joys: having dinner with Sandrina, talking on the phone with loved ones, chewing something delicious while watching an exciting TV series, seeing a stunning Tintoretto or Caravaggio, seeing my nephews and nieces in the summer, sending them gifts, receiving messages from them news. All this made me happy and warmed me. I had my own dreams, desires, fantasies. If we have something, we still dream of something better, more. Ultimately, we are all not so happy, we all have our own complexes, we are all chasing chimeras and we are all limping. You wanted to impose your lifestyle on me so that your own dreams could come true. You didn't feel sorry for me, Kandis, you felt sorry for yourself. You wanted big opportunities, you wanted fame, you wanted money. But I don’t need any of this. I need peace and quiet. And if I wanted happiness, then the most ordinary one. And now I will never have it.
№ 457478   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 11:38
Why did Americans fight against the poor? Against those who are easiest to kill? Deprive yourself of the essentials? We've already asked ourselves... Was this a fight against communism? Or were the politicians' motives veiled? Or misunderstood? George Cannan, a leading strategist of the early Cold War, got to the point in a 1948 National Security Council memorandum: “The United States owns half of the world's wealth. We inevitably provoke envy and resentment. Our main task is to build relationships with other countries that will allow us to maintain this imbalance. To achieve this, we will have to give up dreams and sentiments. We will have to stop talking about such vague and unrealistic things as human rights, improving living standards and democratization. We will have to deal with clear concepts of power. And the less we cling to idealistic slogans, the better.”
Why did Americans fight against the poor? Against those who...
№ 456609   Added MegaMozg 09-09-2023 / 04:18
Misandry directly contradicts the central idea of feminism about creating a society in which men and women are equal, in which everyone has the same rights, privileges, responsibilities, financial and career opportunities. We must treat each other with understanding. Hatred of the opposite sex makes life in one society impossible. If a woman shares the ideas of misandry, then she is no better than a sexist man.
№ 456575   Added MegaMozg 06-09-2023 / 00:54
Who in life criticizes some, and under his avatar on the Internet - others, he will lose his avatar and the right to criticize anyone in life ..
№ 456225   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 19:18
People of sufficient classes are so accustomed to their role as slave owners that when it comes to improving the condition of the workers, they, feeling themselves in the position of landowners, immediately begin to think up all sorts of projects for the arrangement of their slaves, but they have no idea that they do not they have no right to dispose of other people, and that if they definitely wish people well, then the only thing they can and must do is to stop doing the evil that they are now doing. And the evil that they do is very definite and clear. The bad thing they do is not only that they use the forced labor of slaves and do not want to give up this use, but also that they themselves participate in the establishment and maintenance of this forced labor. This is what they need to stop doing. The workers, on the other hand, are so corrupted by their prolonged slavery that most of them think that if their situation is bad, then the employers are to blame for this, paying them too little and owning the instruments of production; it never occurs to them that their bad situation depends only on themselves, and that if they definitely want to improve their situation and that of their brothers, and not each only for their own benefit, then the main thing that they need to do is to stop doing it themselves. bad. And the evil thing they do is that, wishing to improve their material situation by the very means by which they themselves are enslaved, the workers, for the sake of being able to satisfy the habits that they have acquired, sacrificing their human dignity and freedom, act in humiliating, immoral positions or work with unnecessary and harmful items; the main thing is that they support governments, participate in them by taxes and direct service, and thereby enslave themselves.
№ 456197   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 17:54
And even more contempt is caused by those cowards who pretend that there were no special horrors. <...> But there are cases when peace is impossible - and this is one of those cases. I sincerely hope, Rus, that you will burn out all this scum with a red-hot iron, sparing no one and nothing. For hundreds of thousands of killed, sacrificed, taken into slavery of our relatives, for millions of crippled destinies and their hypocrisy - kill them all, Ruslan! And no matter what sacrifices our people will have to make, no matter what meanness they will have to go to - a non-human does not deserve the right to life! Not after what they did... <...> For the sake of our future, they must all perish - otherwise one day this bastard will stab us in the back again.
№ 455288   Added MegaMozg 27-07-2023 / 17:48
You was right.
№ 453861   Added MegaMozg 27-05-2023 / 17:24
Yes, economics governs even morality. When the take-off of industry required a lot of workers, they were sorely lacking, they immediately came up with the idea that a woman is also a person, has all the same rights, which means she can work at a factory, plant, institute, school and everywhere, everywhere, up to to serve in the army.
№ 453290   Added Viker 04-05-2023 / 10:31
To monitor the state of the criminal situation in a specific territorial unit or in a particular community, there are no proven and unproven crimes, there is only a tendency for law enforcement officers to not register reports of crimes.
№ 452787   Added MegaMozg 14-04-2023 / 10:54
If you want to hide the truth from someone, convince him that
№ 452495   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2023 / 14:03
God created everyone equal, every person has equal rights. The most obvious and nasty lies you can hear. From birth, there are the best and the worst. If there is someone smarter, stronger, richer, there is someone worse. As if there is light, there will always be shadow. But if you do not agree with such a decision, then get ready that your whole life will be called-,, only hard work''.
№ 452042   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2023 / 20:33
I hug you... I hug each of you.
№ 451534   Added MegaMozg 14-03-2023 / 03:45
Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights.
№ 451469   Added MegaMozg 14-03-2023 / 00:30
The tragedy that befell Ukraine taught us a bitter lesson. If the US is ready to defend freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, including in Taiwan, no one should have any doubts about that anymore.
№ 451334   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 09:37