lose [Theme] Page 6

Nausicaa, calm down. To fight now is to destroy everyone in the Valley. First - life, revenge - then.
Quote Explanation: The soldiers of Tolmekia attack the Valley and kill Nausicaa's father. Seeing the death of his father, Nausicaa is furious and kills several Tolmek warriors, but master Yupa intervenes in the situation.
№ 413568   Added MegaMozg 14-02-2021 / 10:51
"This is his method."
№ 413273   Added MegaMozg 08-02-2021 / 21:54
Each defeat steadily brings you closer to success.
№ 412480   Added MegaMozg 31-01-2021 / 06:36
Some difficult life situations are like being in the worst World of Tanks team: you try to drag a fight, you definitely hit the enemy's technique, causing him a lot of damage, but your clumsy team merges at the most inopportune moment and makes defeat inevitable.
№ 412435   Added MegaMozg 31-01-2021 / 04:21
You lost your life, boy ...
№ 411950   Added MegaMozg 22-01-2021 / 23:39
We all have something to believe in. Dreams that we want to realize. The problems we hope to solve. Someone decided to return the relationship to the family, lose weight, get rid of bad habits. But sometimes, after the time is right, month after month, or even year after year, we see no change. It is very easy to give up. We all go through setbacks, losses. Sometimes we look at things and do not understand why this is so. The main thing is to know what to do in such moments. Pain, suffering, loss, disappointment - change us. They leave their mark. Every painful moment leaves its mark on you, leaves something that can only be created at such moments. Ultimately, this too will pass. You can handle it, but you will be different. In these difficult moments, when you feel uncomfortable, it can easily overwhelm you. But how will pain change you? You can get angry, or you can get better. You can accept defeat and abandon your dream, or you can find a passion and rekindle your feelings. Be inspired by new opportunities, because they rise up before you. I may not like it, but I am a warrior and I can handle it. Don't complain about pain, without pain we could not reach our potential. Sometimes we get ourselves into trouble, we make bad choices. And now we are in pain, now we must be held accountable. All of us were in pain. My task is not to endure pain, but to grow through it. All these difficulties are an opportunity to become stronger, develop character, become self-confident. Anyone can surrender, anyone can be depressed. This means that the pain was in vain. Pain exists not to stop you, but to prepare, strengthen and develop you. Difficulties are part of life. They teach you to stop telling yourself that you can't do it. You are not a weakling, you are capable. In the end, the pain will pass, you will become stronger, but even if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t mean that it will not work out later. There will always be forces that will want to stop you. Life itself develops plans for you to give up your dream. It is very easy to be measured against mediocrity, even if all the potential is buried within us. I believe this is my year. I will be healthy. This year, I will meet the man of my dreams. This year, I will move up the career ladder. I will reach a new level in my business. This year, I will achieve my goal. Cope with depression. This year, I will meet new people. This year, I will be healthy. This year will be doubly useful. This year is for rehabilitation, recovery and everything new. Now start moving in the right direction.
Quote Explanation: Remember your dream.
№ 411489   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2021 / 03:27
The greatest test of courage on earth is to suffer defeat without losing heart.
№ 411318   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2021 / 11:45
It was not the Swedes who lost the war, it is us in this office.
№ 410546   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2021 / 22:06
We often cannot tell the difference between victory and defeat.
Quote Explanation: #8
№ 410210   Added MegaMozg 27-12-2020 / 15:39
Although he pretended to easily accept the blows of fate, they hurt him. He hadn't been defeated in so long... too long ago.
№ 410173   Added MegaMozg 26-12-2020 / 17:09
Sometimes an insignificant detail brings victory, while for others the same trifle ensures defeat.
Quote Explanation: Character from the text-based role-playing game "Barefoot on Baker Street"
№ 409559   Added MegaMozg 17-12-2020 / 20:27
It's not about how you'll be remembered. The main thing is how you leave - the winner or the defeated. The vanquished is the one who surrendered. The winner is anyone who has not recognized himself as defeated. Even if killed.
№ 407841   Added MegaMozg 30-11-2020 / 21:39
But again, the question arises: what does the Soviet Union have to do with it? Oh yes, on September 17, 1939, we also entered the territory of Poland, committing a terrible crime against the Polish statehood. What norms are we talking about at all? In this case, there are four of them: the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921, the Paris Briand-Kellogg Pact, the non-aggression pact between Poland and the USSR of 1932 and, finally, the Convention on the Definition of Aggression of 1933. Document titles are large-scale. And if you do not know what they contain, probably, you really just need to sprinkle ashes on your head, the whole country to fall to its knees and ask the proud Polish gentry to forgive us. But as soon as you open the first of these documents, it will immediately turn out that there is nothing to repent of, in general. And Poland, to put it mildly, distorts the cards. Let's start with the fundamental document in all this history - the Convention on the Definition of Aggression. Today, those Poles who call on the peoples of Russia to repent for 1939, for some reason forget to clarify that this document was proposed by Moscow, that is, the Soviet Union. The convention has an important point: "The invasion of its armed forces, at least without declaring war on the territory of another state." That is, the entry of troops of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army into the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus could be regarded as a violation. But this convention, despite all the proposals of Moscow, was never adopted, which means that it did not become a document of international law. This happened thanks to the position of Great Britain and France. And Poland was not eager to support this document. But that's half the trouble. The problem is that a convention cannot exist on its own. It was to be part of a thrice international agreement on arms limitation. You probably won't be surprised if I say that the agreement was not signed. That is, the Soviet Union is accused of violating the main provisions of international law, although these provisions are spelled out in documents that were not adopted, and at the same time proposed to adopt them by the USSR. Now let's turn to the Briand-Kellogg Pact, which the Soviet Union brazenly ignored in order to destroy Polish statehood. It has a clause condemning war as a means of settling international disputes. Awesome. Let's admit that there was indeed a misunderstanding between Moscow and Warsaw. So what happens? In September 1939, Germany attacks Poland, war begins, then Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. And then comes September 17, 1939. The Soviet Union introduces troops into the territory of Western Belarus, Western Ukraine. Did Great Britain and France declare war on the Soviet Union for violating the Briand-Kellogg Pact? Of course not. Let's ask a more complicated question: did Poland declare war on the Soviet Union? You will be surprised, but not only was war not declared on the Soviet Union, the Polish army was ordered categorically not to engage in hostilities with the troops of the Red Army. In other words, the Polish government then, in 1939, did not regard the entry of Red Army troops into the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus as a violation of the Briand-Kellogg Pact. <... > And since the Briand-Kellogg Pact does not add up very well, they immediately occupy the following line of defense: the non-aggression pact between Poland and the Soviet Union of 1932 was violated. <... > The defeat of Poland in the war with Germany automatically meant the termination of the 1932 treaty. Agree, if one of the two partners by the standards of international law ceases to exist, how and at what expense should the treaty operate? For some reason, Polish political scientists and experts do not want to categorically talk about this. How they are not going to talk about the fact that the Soviet Union in the autumn of 1939 complied with absolutely all the norms of international law: the government of the USSR summoned the Polish ambassador in Moscow and notified him that in connection with the defeat of Poland in the war with the Third Reich, the 1932 treaty was now terminated.
№ 407113   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2020 / 00:30
Love is the defeat of human egoism before the selflessness of a lover.
№ 406511   Added MegaMozg 06-11-2020 / 19:33
But if you tried and it didn't work out for you, and it happened many times, you understand: failures are not scary. You have already fallen and got up so many times that you have developed a mechanism for making a mistake and ... living with this mistake on. Better yet, a mechanism for committing an error and fixing it.
Quote Explanation: From the intellectual series "Vaccine from Idiocracy"
№ 405582   Added MegaMozg 19-10-2020 / 10:15