instructions [Theme]

- Is this the general line for people to eat each other? I, like you - neither my mother, nor my brothers, nor the house that you took from us, will not forgive. I'll die and I won't forgive you...
№ 465799   Added MegaMozg 12-04-2024 / 16:12
- Write about the fact that the potatoes are rotting, but there is no one to blame. And those who hide behind briefcases and papers, instead of personal responsibility... the result is collective irresponsibility. ... About a poorly organized matter in the royal department.
№ 462269   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2024 / 16:51
The view that opens up before me when the microscope focuses on the patient's brain is somewhat magical - it is much brighter, sharper and clearer than the outside world, the world of gloomy hospital corridors, commissions, paperwork and instructions. Expensive microscope optics create an incredible sense of depth and clarity, only heightened by my excitement. It's a very intimate, personal feeling.
№ 452297   Added Viker 29-03-2023 / 17:46
Corruption is a skillful construction without instruction.
№ 447366   Added MegaMozg 07-12-2022 / 14:21
Vague commands, instructions, and restrictions applied inconsistently or based on our mood do not help children in their learning.
№ 443085   Added MegaMozg 07-08-2022 / 00:00
- Oh, but forget about this book already! The doctor waved his hand disdainfully. “If you do everything that it says, you will eventually find that it was faster to walk on foot. These are just instructions for beginners. Let me tell you one secret - he seemed to be addressing both her and the ship as a whole. - The person who wrote this was paid by page.
№ 429294   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 17:47
the world could be shoved into Nurofen. <...> She is generally needed only to find out before or after a meal to drink these pills. The rest is for those who will bury you.
Release Date: 18.12.2020
№ 426366   Added MegaMozg 21-08-2021 / 20:06
Once again about the structure of the performance. Any speech consists of three main parts: introduction, main part and conclusion.
And now, knowing this, you can stretch in time each part of the speech by as much as the format of your speech allows. If you want, it will be one sentence for five seconds, and if you want, it will be a long speech for an hour.
№ 426188   Added MegaMozg 20-08-2021 / 22:39
Do not consider the advice as an instruction, do not consider the comparison and difference as a direct answer to the question of who is right.
№ 425313   Added petrashevgant 12-08-2021 / 09:33
So you want to delay the Old Year? Who is so delaying! We will delay according to the instructions. Nyusha watches the door and windows, Losyash guards the gate, Hedgehog patrols the yard, and I carry out artistic direction - let everyone in, do not let anyone out!
Quote Explanation: Series "Where does the Old Year go?".
So you want to delay the Old Year? Who is so delaying! We...
№ 423369   Added MegaMozg 16-07-2021 / 14:18
Uwe was well aware when the women of his girlfriend wondered: how is it - of his own free will to get up and spend the whole day with this dunduk? Uwe himself wondered: how? He collected a bookcase for her: she stuffed it with books, in which from cover to cover it is entirely about feelings. Uwe valued only what can be seen, felt. Concrete and cement. Glass and iron. Tool. Predictable things. Right angles and clear instructions. Design models and drawings. Objects that can be depicted on paper. Uwe itself consisted of two colors - black and white.
№ 420531   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2021 / 00:21
- Hold on. Are you injured? Did it hurt you? Do what I tell you to do. Just what I say. Don't move if I don't say. Don't tell me until I say.
I got it? Do you understand?
- Yes. Just don't do anything to me.
- I'm here to help you. My name is Reese. Sergeant "Tech-Com". Battalion DN38416. My job is to protect you. You have to be killed.
- That's a mistake. I didn't do anything. How could that person after you shot him...
- No, but you can. It is very important that you stay alive. It's not a person. It's a machine. Terminator. The system is one hundred and one.
- Machine? Like a robot, what?
- Not a robot. Cyborg is a cybernetic organism. The Terminator is half human, half machine. Electronic filling. Controlled by a microprocessor. Outside - a living organism. Flesh, skin, hair, blood - specially grown for cyborgs. The six hundred series had rubber leather. We recognized them right away. But these are new. They're almost like people. They sweat, they smell from their mouths... They are very difficult to recognize.
Cyborgs don't feel pain. And I feel. Don't do that anymore. Listen! Understand! Terminator out there somewhere. He cannot be persuaded. You can't negotiate with him. He doesn't feel sorry. He has no remorse or fear. He will never stop until he kills you.
№ 416155   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2021 / 19:21
№ 415217   Added Viker 19-03-2021 / 12:49
Now from all sides: in every magazine, newspaper or page on a social network, they are encouraged to engage in psychological self-development, but this is tantamount to putting a person at the helm of a faulty aircraft and pulling into a vertical dive - no matter how diligently pulling the levers according to the instructions, the broken unit is not able stop falling. First, maintenance by qualified specialists is required, and then you can start practice. But for some reason, in the minds of the majority, the idea runs that the book can break down internal barriers and replace the art of fishing for repressed emotions, which psychoanalysts have been studying for years. Of course, some really manage to get to the deep motives, fears, but they often become their victims, powerless to repel attacks. At best, as a result of clumsy getting rid of illusions, trying to get out of the pit of delusions, they get nervousness, a progressive obsessive state, and at worst, finally desperate, they dare to commit suicide.
Quote Explanation: Character from the text-based role-playing game "Barefoot on Baker Street"
№ 409534   Added MegaMozg 17-12-2020 / 19:12
Let's look at our journalistic community. If you are not cited abroad, especially military journalism, you generally don't end up a journalist. And the expert community? If you are not quoted by Western agencies, you're not the expert. You're a propagandist. And the scientific community? If you're not published in a foreign language, you're not a scientist. You're so garbage. And where does it go? And please see the manuals of our ministries. View manuals on neurometric our so-called universities and research institutions. Yes, there are for the article in a foreign language about the mating habits of whales you can get a lot more points in scientometric system than fundamental research. <...>
All this nanometrica, based on the priority foreign publications, it is not such a harmless thing. And it's not harmless in the technical disciplines in the natural, and it is not very harmless in the Humanities. Therefore, to demand something from them, it is necessary to restore order at home. Should this scientific compradorship cleaned up by the roots. Why the publication in the Russian media, in Russian scientific journals is less valued than publication in the secondary Malo-read foreign magazines? Why the requirement to publish in a foreign language is included as compulsory? We who are here grow? And why? We grow the people steps will be involved in the foreign network? To foreign intelligence agencies? Why we raise them here, I'd like to know.
Alexander Khinshtein
International rating. One of the tasks of the higher school - to rise in the international rating
Dmitry Evstafiev
I think the fish are rotting from the head. It is necessary to seriously to look through our ministries. And see who and why wrote these instructions. And I think we can expect very interesting discoveries.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov on
Release Date: 08.07.2020
№ 400153   Added MegaMozg 09-07-2020 / 11:09