Author of quotes: Oleg Mazurin

But every evil is disgusting, though sometimes curious.
№ 437894   Added MegaMozg 18-04-2022 / 00:36
The enemy is not so terrible in front of you, as it is terrible behind your back.
№ 437875   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:54
It was one of the sinister entertainments of the maniac. To hand over after a stormy night to an unsuspecting and already pretty tired of her gentleman the key. Allegedly from her bedroom. The expectation was that the key would be taken in hand. And with bare hands. Without any gloves. And the trick was in the subject itself. It didn't fit the door lock at all. One prong of the key was specially sharp-sharply sharpened. And smeared with a potent poison. Manipulating the key it was impossible not to get scratched. And then the poison, getting into the wound, penetrated into the blood and after a few hours or days the victim died. The life expectancy of a cavalier depended on the concentration of the poison. The more it was smeared, the faster the admirer died. The less - the death of the lucky one was delayed several hours later. But in one case or another, the result of this fun was one - death from poisoning! And most importantly, no one could prove anything that Lucrezia Borgia was the poisoner. There were only suspicions, but no hard evidence. Everything was so skillfully done. And no one took the rumors, rumors and stories seriously. In addition, many were afraid to contact the influential and powerful Borgia clan. So the beauty-destroyer always came out dry from the water.
№ 437872   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:45
Lucrezia used another Borgia recipe: poisoning with a peach cut in half with a knife poisoned on only one side. This trick was used in case the victim showed excessive caution and incredulity.
№ 437871   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:42
A pinch of poisonous potion was enough. Let's say hemlock (with which Socrates committed suicide), arsenic, hellebore. Adding these substances to wine solved any issue quickly and silently, unlike a stiletto or other weapon. In addition, it was not possible to determine the presence of poison in the body due to the backwardness of medicine. The death of the victim looked quite natural. That's why poisoning in the Middle Ages was a kind of art - like architecture, sculpture, music, painting. And the one who mastered this art had a great advantage over those who were laymen or amateurs in it.
№ 437870   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:39
It's like two opposites. If a person maniacally wants power and realizes the need for power, then this happens to the detriment of another need. Whoever goes over the heads, competes, is unlikely to receive the love of others. Here you have to choose. To love or not to love, to have power over people or not to have - that is the main question of life for many.
№ 437869   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:36
Panic is a bad adviser in an emergency.
№ 437868   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:33
Love against the mania of power is worth nothing.
№ 437867   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:30
Of course, gold, pearls, precious stones, fragrant perfumes, the most expensive and elegant clothes blind men's eyes and lull their vigilance, but this is not yet a decisive argument to win his heart. Here you need the mind and the art of seduction.
№ 437866   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:27
Power mania is the most powerful drug in the world! A needle that never gets off! And no one.
№ 437865   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:24
That's why women are hidden and quiet killers. So to speak, a quiet pool, where there is a place for all sorts of black thoughts. Outwardly, they are smiling kind angels, but inside they are just devils! Everything is just boiling, raging, bubbling. Like turbulent water in front of a dam. Just a little bit more, emotions will rush in, the psyche will rebel, common sense will turn off - and then the evil energy will break through the barrier! It will flood everything around with blood and will not forgive or spare anyone! Beware, people, devils go hunting for their victims! And with its unpredictable logic.
№ 437864   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:21
Psychologists say that female aggressiveness is more hidden, but stronger than male. It is known that women's fights are more ruthless and insidious than men's. The offended lady is ready to tear her offender into small pieces. Heels, stilettos, nails, umbrellas, forbidden tricks, items of a girl's toilet are used. Even the sight of blood or pleas for mercy have no effect on an angry brawler. If a woman decides to kill a happy rival or an unfaithful lover, then she goes in her insidious plans to the end. She will definitely kill them. You can be sure. This man can think a hundred times and change his mind. And nothing will stop a woman on the way to her goal. No pity, no remorse. Decided to kill. And point! That's why killer young ladies are so valuable to the special services: they don't have failures and failures. If the goal is set for them, the client will be more dead than alive.
№ 437863   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:18
More often we associate the word maniac with serial killers, rapists, sadists. And immediately an image of a mentally unbalanced man with crazy eyes appears in his head, in whose hands is either a knife, or a noose, or a machine gun. And the names of world-famous maniacs flash in my memory: Jack the Ripper, Chikatilo, Mukhankin, Breivik ... Everyone is sure that serial murders and perversions are the destiny of the stronger sex. And few people represent a woman in the place of a maniac. It seems to be not a woman's business - to kill their own kind. Mock them, torment, torture. After all, a woman, first of all, is a mother, the successor of the family, she gives life to all life on earth. Gives, but does not take away.
№ 437862   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2022 / 15:15