life [Theme]

Realizing the detrimental nature of theological conflicts for the life of the empire, the authorities pursued a policy of developing a unified ideology, which did not at all contribute to the free development of philosophical teachings and rational methods of research.
№ 466251   Added MegaMozg 27-04-2024 / 15:30
The place where a person is born becomes his teacher throughout his life. Here, in this world of habits and values, we absorb the influence of the people around us, whose lifestyles sometimes shape our character. Fate, inextricably linked with us, throws difficult challenges along our path, which we inevitably encounter, experiencing unhappy moments and difficulties. Our life is filled with dreams, but only real efforts can turn these dreams into reality.
№ 466232   Added Айдар 26-04-2024 / 20:29
A person simply must love himself, otherwise he will achieve nothing in life. This especially applies to actors. Self-love helps you maintain confidence in your abilities and stay in shape. If you have a complex, you are not capable of action. I encourage everyone: love yourself!
№ 466230   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 15:39
Since, in accordance with Christian doctrine, the main goal of human life is to gain heavenly bliss, the most important place in Christian theology and philosophy was occupied by the doctrine of salvation, i.e., about the ways of finding heavenly bliss and getting closer to God.
№ 466216   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 09:57
The taste of life has a taste of spiritual development.
№ 466197   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 09:00
The highest good in life is pleasure. Pleasure, first of all, is the absence of suffering (and not sensual pleasures at all!). The best way to do this is to withdraw yourself from all worries and anxieties, from public and government affairs, maximum independence from external conditions, and renunciation of unnecessary desires.
№ 466190   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 08:39
The ultimate goal of human life is happiness. Happiness is understood as living according to nature, and only such a life is virtuous. The ideal of the Stoics is the sage who has achieved virtue and dispassion. voluntarily following fate, whose life and state of mind do not depend on external circumstances.
№ 466186   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2024 / 08:27
- I’m on Tverskaya too early. Just arrived in Moscow, and immediately went to the ladies... to live and work in the Center! Why is that?
№ 466176   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 16:54
Dear friend, once again political news disrupts the usual rhythm of life. Everyone is walking as if on a volcano that is about to open up and rage. Everyone feels that the state of affairs in the world is fragile and that changes must happen, but nothing can be foreseen. Could there really be a war again, again bloody rivers would flow, again the interests of art would fade into the background, again Russia would spend its best efforts to maintain its dignity?
Quote Explanation: From a letter to Nadezhda von Meck, 1870s.
№ 466169   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 16:33
The main thing for a living person is life, the main thing in life is change, change is movement, we are inside this movement.
№ 466164   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 16:18
Apparently in life I am a typical “informal”!
№ 466144   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 03:57
Death precedes life just as sleep precedes awakening.
№ 466136   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 03:21
And as for the house... The traitors don’t have one. Having betrayed their homeland once, they will never find a place for themselves in life.
№ 466110   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2024 / 03:09
- I realized this with the duel with Jack. I realized that this city is part of me, and my soul will always be with this city. Therefore, by the time everyone returns, this city created by 5DS will be an even more wonderful place. It is my duty to support the city of Neo-Domino.
- I realized this with the duel with Jack. I realized that...
№ 466105   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2024 / 15:36