another [Theme] Page 34

This record is my confession to crimes.
I confess that I have not been able to protect my homeworld of Helicia from the Valelsi. I confess that I failed to destroy the Heliophagus and the Jennerite Eternity Machine. I confess that I betrayed my friend Ambraliya Divia. Fate turned her against me when she forced her to make me Eternal in the name of love and sisterly loyalty. I confess to the murder of Ebris Lomil, a friend and Red Observer of the Eldrids, for obsessive questions about my sanity and loyalty that should not have been questioned. I confess to the cold-blooded murder of the 778 Jennerite soldiers who invaded my house – let the night consume their souls, every single one!
And I swear an oath to everyone I meet in battle: you will all be swallowed up by darkness!
As punishment for these crimes, I take on this burden: the weight of my guilt and the darkness that it has generated. I am not destined to redeem it.
№ 412463   Added MegaMozg 31-01-2021 / 05:45
- Nova! Where is everybody? Boldur is lonely!
- Sleeping. Because they need it. What's wrong with you, Boldur?
- How cute. Well, I'm full of computational jobs, work for AI and all that, so...
- Nova... Boldur... now I'll tell you about life... in the forest.
- Okay.
- So... Among all the beasts of huge strange worlds, there are no creatures more suitable for friendship and for battles than the cedar two-bears of Ralpopime!
- Yep.
- They are big, warm and love to smash everything! Yes... if the dwarves are looking for a fighting comrade... no better friend! There is no friend of devotion! No companion is smarter! There is no warrior more ferocious than a large cedar two-bear!
- I know.
- Yes, Nova! No one could stop Boldur and his two-bear! The embodiment of the power of nature, you know? I'm with an axe and a shield... two bears - with his, uh... his, uh, CLAWS! Well, in general, howle - this is very important in battle, Nova! In those days, the two bears were not just "unlocked" on my shield.
- It's correct to say "printed".
- REMEMBER MY WORDS, COMPUTER LADY! Remember them! Give me back my two bears and I'll teach you how to ride it! Nova, have you ever wanted to ride a two-bear? It's amazing. Nothing to compare! WITH NOTHING IN ANY OF THE WORLDS! Ha ha ha!... Wait, what was Boldur talking about now?
- About bears.
- Ah, bears!
№ 412455   Added MegaMozg 31-01-2021 / 05:21
This is Trevor Galt from Nova, formerly from the United Peacekeeping Republics. If you hear this, then we somehow know each other. Maybe we fought together. Or, what the hell is not joking, fought against each other.
We will soon lose Penarch. It's clear as day. As soon as The Penarch disappears, there will be only one star left - Solus. The last star in the universe. And we will have nowhere to escape.
This is my call to all who can still fight. I urge you to forget about strife and past grievances, territorial claims and other. I ask you to put all this in the past and face the danger that threatens us today. Governments think we have a lid. They're getting ready to languish in darkness, but that's a one-way trip. Maybe they're right. But I believe that there is another way - forward! And you and I will walk on it together.
Here's what I want to say... Rendane betrayed us. You can't think of a worse situation. We are few, we have fewer weapons, and we are cornered. But I've been through too much to die in the darkness. I will fight for all that is left. And I urge you to fight with me - all who will become shoulder to shoulder with me to save the Last Star.
Our time has come.
№ 412387   Added MegaMozg 30-01-2021 / 06:45
We understand each other too well. You understand me too well, and I understand you, and this is our trouble.
№ 412161   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2021 / 22:12
(From the book "Wandering Above the Clouds")
№ 412142   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2021 / 03:00
Only in unhealthy relationships do people try to solve each other's problems in order to feel peace of mind themselves. In healthy relationships, people solve their own problems out of caring for each other.
№ 412115   Added MegaMozg 26-01-2021 / 11:57
* * *
• I have always dreamed of a hat - invisible, in order to save the world from evil and
about the tablecloth - samobranka, in order to save people from hunger!
• I thought that the woman was from God, but it turned out - the devil is a brilliant creation!
• In your every move - I catch moments of pleasure!
• No matter how much evil there is in the world, you can not lose faith in good!
• Pain breaks the soul - the soul breaks the heart.
• The one who easily converges and easily breaks up - a woman of easy virtue!
• Misunderstandings and scandals shorten life!
• Who said that life has become better - just life has become more expensive!
• The Milky Way will show the right way to your heart!
• I don't want to communicate with you anymore - I'm just healthy my shore!
• Never swear love and never swear at all - it's sinful and ridiculous!
• I fear dogs less than people!
• Those who create, I admire,
Whoever manages - I'm annoyed!
• When we stop believing in miracles, old age is approaching.
• Swine is also magical!
• There is a place in the world for everything - but more often for evil!
• Love does not obey the laws of nature - love has its own laws!
• I do not know what to write about, how to live according to conscience - but I do not know what conscience is too!
• Every stupidity has its own explanation!
• I immediately remember my childhood when I raise my eyes to the sky.
• All adversity will go away when the time comes.
• Do not look for your friend in the mirror!
• Nothing changes people like money!
№ 412012   Added MegaMozg 24-01-2021 / 17:54
It's time for us to forget each other.
№ 411938   Added MegaMozg 22-01-2021 / 23:03
It turns out that you can live to sixty years, but still not become smart. I used to think that the mind is proportional to age, but now I understand that these are two practically independent values.
№ 411875   Added MegaMozg 21-01-2021 / 22:12
A friend cannot be bought, but he can be sold
№ 411018   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2021 / 15:24
It so happens that people grow out of each other as things. And in friendship, and in love. It's sad. But absolutely natural.
№ 410789   Added MegaMozg 07-01-2021 / 05:06
Thank each other more often - these are the deities of the grains of grace!
№ 410752   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2021 / 19:54
You know Light, I haven’t had a friend like you yet, because Light, you’re my first friend.
№ 410725   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2021 / 00:48
The only thing that will save Russia is the opening of all the archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the KGB-FSB...
Publication of all names, events, dates, numbers... so that the executioners and the victims know each other in person.
№ 410519   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2021 / 21:57