elite [Theme] Page 2

I want to show you one quote, I saw it in Deripaska. He puts this quote as very correct. Quote: "Before spending a lot of money on defense, it is necessary to create a life for the people that would be worth defending." Allegedly, this was said by a Finnish statesman. It seems to me that this is a fundamental misunderstanding of nothing at all about statehood. Because based on this logic, Russia had to lose the war and 1812. and certainly the war of 1941-1945. This is just an understanding of the quality of the elite. The quality of the elite of the Soviet late period was inherently treacherous. Where the sausage was important, not the idea.
Release Date: 08.12.2020
№ 408772   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2020 / 17:27
Never say the words "this is my will"! You must carry out our will, the will of the richest people of the kingdom.
№ 404183   Added MegaMozg 20-09-2020 / 18:42
What distinguishes American civilization from the Chinese? China is composed of small pieces, which are then merged in this great Chinese culture. In Russian it does not sound. But when we talk people's Republic of China, the first word of the Jung-Hua (Chinese) is not the civilization of the Chinese, and all who live within the Chinese civilization. They are United by language, written language, common traditions. The stability of this China is that over thousands of years emerged an understanding that we do not harm each other because we are all in the same boat. And in this respect China is alive not a political idea, and he is alive to the experience of a single culture. And when Pompeo says that, Yes, when you use TikTok, and all is discharged into the Communist party of China... Pompeo - not a stupid man, but he specifically reduces the meaning, because it reveals with large masses. Believe him, because I think that is bad, the Communist party of China, and there are good Chinese people. And if you remove the Communist party of China, the Chinese people will be different. But the Communist party is the flesh and blood of the Chinese civilization. If you had had the emperors elite, bureaucracy, today it is the Communist party of China.
Release Date: 07.07.2020
№ 400010   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2020 / 22:21
Now, about the elite. A very important topic. I have a very simple understanding of the elites, and it is very important to our history first. The elite - those who want to establish the dependence of power from himself. And in that moment, when she gets this addiction, it becomes elite. You say "influence the government". What does the word affect? Well, I've influenced, advised, No. This refers to a very specific effect, which can form a solution. This really is the essence of the Western elite. And here the nerve - rashodnie us with them. Our history is the struggle of the people and the state, including autocracy, so we have formed elite. If you look at all of our crises, this crisis is caused by the fact that he tried to form an elite, which will depend on the power and be the intermediary between the government and the people. Though take in 1612, pronounced in the Council of seven, was born there. The whole controversy with the Terrible Kurbsky is devoted to it. And Ivan said, no, we will have no elites. And no will power to depend on anyone. There is power, and the people there. And the relationship between them of trust and responsibility. Intermediaries that will influence decisions is not needed. It was revealed in all its glory in the era of Ivan the terrible. And then there were 1612 and an attempt to form the boyar elite. Answer for everything will be sovereign, and they will rule.
And then to 1917. Sorry, but who overthrew the king? The Bolsheviks? No. Overthrew those who wish to become elite. If you view the party crisis - the same story. Everything that happened after Stalin Khrushchev is trying to become elite.
The elite because the elite that it has no responsibility. Responsibility - power, which she manipulates and of the people. This is the essence of the elite.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov on 09.06.2020
№ 397750   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:52
What distinguishes the elite from the Everyman?
The presence of education and self-esteem. The presence of victories to its credit. The lack of vulgarity
№ 396539   Added Viker 01-06-2020 / 11:03
They suggest that vulgarity is a sign of elitism. But it's not. Luxury footman is not equal to the luxury of the master of life.
№ 396538   Added Viker 01-06-2020 / 11:03
Vulgar people are, and with exposure taking for their.
№ 396537   Added Viker 01-06-2020 / 11:03
It works of art primarily form the perception of historical events and influence the minds of the masses. Look, look, the role of Zuleiha Chulpan Khamatova is still talking about the necessity of the study of history on who do you think - Solzhenitsyn. And if the struggle with the revolutionary legacy of the Soviet regime on the sly is moving in our culture and propaganda, and the bourgeois creative elite hates the Soviet past, almost manic level, such creations will still occur.
Quote Explanation: Under "creation" means a serial film "zulaikha opens his eyes"
№ 395114   Added MegaMozg 16-05-2020 / 13:36
Caravansary: playboys billionaires and their luxury blonde; the heiresses comparing inheritances on the beach Gatsby; my boss, Walter chase, squander money at the roulette; gangsters and governors exchanging telephone numbers in the eyes of the tabloids; the movie stars, Directors, Broadway, the censors, the ethicist, the students that lessons ran away...
№ 390818   Added MegaMozg 10-04-2020 / 10:27
The Russian elite can boast of another achievement - the ability to mimic Western institutions. In Russia there are all the institutions that form the basis of Western democracy. But they function as a cover of personified power. Russian leaders are actively using liberal rhetoric, and in the Russian government there are still people who are known as liberals. And all of this complicates not only the development of real democracy in Russia, but liberal criticism of the Russian system. Moreover, the existence of a sham Parliament, multi-party, organizations that use a liberal slogans, in the eyes of public opinion discreditied liberal democracy, generating among the people of the attraction to the net model of authoritarianism. "Why do we have all these servile deputies! - talking to other citizens. - Let's better ruled one".
№ 389492   Added MegaMozg 27-03-2020 / 17:39
I will not allow this rabble to laugh at you!
- You spent your life blaming, maybe you are scum?!
Quote Explanation: Samuel argues with his brother Fernadno with regards to the fact that all my life I called the elite of society rabble and was ashamed of them, because the brother begins to doubt the loyalty of these statements.
№ 389206   Added MegaMozg 25-03-2020 / 13:18
Thy princes are the transgressors of the law, and companions of thieves; they all love gifts and chasing mzdoyu; not defending the fatherless, and the cause of the widow come before them.
Quote Explanation: The book of Isaiah, the 1st Chapter
№ 370657   Added MegaMozg 27-05-2019 / 02:23
If a person sees happiness in the misfortune of others is a clinic, but if a whole social class finds happiness in the misfortune of others - the elite of society.
№ 368095   Added MegaMozg 29-04-2019 / 19:09
This Fondary always been a fool. Pern and Fonduri - the two poles of folly, the lawless and corrupt COP. Donkey and Pithecanthropus. Twenty years violates the law Fondary, but Pern is more dangerous then the stupidity is acting on behalf of the state. And Fonduri working on myself.
You, in my opinion, too.
- You think so? I work for the common good, because I have information about everything Paris. I greet the dregs, I go to them...
- And kill.
- I don't tolerate scoundrels, Marechal, because of them the country is dying. Scum in France are from the stands, control the Newspapers, funded elections - their henchmen procure them new markets, new zones of influence. Is today's elite. Tomorrow their son will be the aristocrats. The era of scoundrels, by the grace of God.
№ 367052   Added MegaMozg 18-04-2019 / 22:09
The monstrous failure of the elite, there is a much greater crime than cruelty. First, because this monstrous inconsistency begets violence, and secondly, because it is cruel in itself, because she doesn't care about anyone except the most elite. And thirdly - because then comes the dictator in the Wake of its insolvency. What should have been passed to the secretaries of the district Committee? Below the elite were not touched. Why are they so rebelled against Beria? Because they wanted to protect themselves. And every time they start to think about yourself, discuss how much it gave them, not the people, sooner or later is the people revenge. And it's a fair revenge.
№ 365450   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2019 / 01:12