liberalism [Theme] Page 1

Question: How to reconcile the liberal opinions of some people from that despotism, which they often display in their home and with their subordinates?
Answer: They understand the natural law, but this understanding is their counterweight to pride and selfishness. They understand what must be, unless their principles are not Comedy played out by calculation, but they do not follow them.
Question: will be Counted if they are in the other life the manifestation here of other principles?
Answer: the more the human mind to understand a principle, the less excusable for him not to apply it to yourself. I tell you truly that simple, but sincere people more advanced on the way of God than he who only wished to be known as and not be.
Quote Explanation: N 828
№ 397432   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:41
In order to defeat capitalism, we need to combine 3 ideologies: Trotskyism, Stalinism and Marxism-Leninism. After all, these ideologies are what will kill the bourgeois democracy, liberalism.
№ 397407   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:37
I recall the words of the great Russian philosopher Berdyaev, who once said: revolution is a natural disaster. As the earthquake. It is absolutely useless to evaluate it from the point of view of good or bad. It can't be stopped.
I recall that a hundred years ago, when we started the February revolution in Russia, it started with the fact that not brought up the bread in two. And before that there was no bread and so much happened. Somehow, in that moment, all this led to the fact that Rozanov said: the Russian Empire faded in three days. And what is happening now in America, the beginning of this new American revolution or not, we'll see. But this is life, we can expect anything. And possible the most unpredictable turns. But this all has some sort of internal logic. I once, when trump was elected just yet, I'm on this program with Zhirinovsky argued for a case of champagne. I said that America has come to the shootings. Well, I'm close to win. Maybe not quite, but it is obvious that what we are often told, and I have always been, what America needs is included in the point that the Soviet Union was restructuring. Now it's obvious. Look, in America is an epidemic, these events, and the American Communist party - that the Republicans and Democrats are one and the same. As well as in the Soviet Union, the country has fallen apart and the Communist party at this time in the face of their most prominent leaders shared power. Is Mikhail Gorbachev, with Boris Nikolayevich. The same is now happening in the United States.
But if the Americans still often turned to the founders of Marxism-Leninism, they would remember the remarkable words of Lenin, that there are moments when tops cannot, and bottoms do not want. They would be remembered a genius, in my opinion, the wording of Marx, despite all that, he's much out of date, but it is not obsolete, on the relationship of production relations and productive forces. I.e. that the level of technology dictates the social and political system. It seems to me that the General crisis is deep, but it is an external expression. What the world faces, we see in this epidemic. The fact that liberalism is unable to cope with these very complex processes, which have arisen in the modern world. It turns out that this is best cope China, well, he conquered the epidemic, what is it? China has managed to combine the Soviet experience with the market. And saved the party. To defeat the epidemic are unable and Western countries, and partly because we. And we partly liberal and partly Soviet. Where we are liberal, we have a lot of infections, and where the Soviet, we have little mortality.
Release Date: 31.05.2020
№ 397296   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:20
Now liberalism has become General in something... you know, like moonshine, eternally persecuted creature is moonshine and liberalism.
Release Date: 28.05.2020
№ 396490   Added MegaMozg 30-05-2020 / 14:19
What is good government? The answer depends on the value system of the people. And what I appreciate most Asians may differ from the main values of Americans or Europeans. People with the West above all else, put personal liberty and liberalism. Me and my Asian and Chinese roots give the first place an honest government to effectively and successfully protect their people and to ensure all citizens conditions for development in a stable and safe society where they can lead a decent life, confident that their children will live even better.
№ 392994   Added Viker 02-05-2020 / 10:10
With regard to international relations... <...> Structure, even in a selfish world, where every man for himself, this does not mean that the structures do not need. Some basic rules of coexistence, or it is the war of all against all, such a primitive, <...> or is the need to agree on specific and important issues, but specific and important, and not something to which we are accustomed for twenty-five years this liberal version of globalization - that there's a pattern here that must somehow make, and she, supposedly, self-regulatory and supposedly the most efficient and optimal. Here it all breaks down, just dissipates in the air like the Cheshire cat, leaving not even a smile, because a smile nothing.
Release Date: 18.04.2020
№ 391683   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2020 / 10:57
Humanism shortsighted confuses good and evil, liberalism - consciously.
№ 390359   Added Viker 06-04-2020 / 11:28
The economic situation in the country is rapidly deteriorating and political stability in such a situation, the question is even on the interval of 2-3 years, to say nothing about what will happen after 2024. While it can be changed only in the case if you take away the liberal elite groups a monopoly of the levers of Finance and economy. Given that it collected in the process of privatization of assets and the rigid support of the transnational bankers (and their institutions such as the IMF) to do this is purely internal resources is almost impossible. The very same liberal group that I describe for years, quite deliberately creates a barrier between Putin and society is constantly deteriorating living conditions of most of the population of the country. To do this, use policies and restrictions of economic growth (the country's economic downturn for more than 7 years), and permanent increase in the tax burden (on the background of the economic downturn - unique way), and the adoption of a large number of economically senseless, but extremely socially unacceptable laws type of pension reform. Critical point already passed, after the pension reform in the summer of 2018, the society firmly believes that Putin's policy and the liberal policy of the government coincide.
Quote Explanation: Information multiportal KM.RU (18.01.2020).
№ 386458   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2020 / 12:22
All the core of our liberal opposition - good people, but stupid a little more than full. They simply do not have the right experience and knowledge. Skills needed there. Some of them are seen in effective management of large business? Or, perhaps, was the Minister and was able to achieve a truly outstanding results? No. This is a completely unqualified administrators. Downright unskilled workers from the policy. But to talk they are ready. I especially love the populism, not realizing that this was the right grave.
№ 386381   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2020 / 14:26
Any leader-a populist now breaks people's applause and love. It is not obligatory to fulfill promises. Enough of just talking about the bright future. Simply you criticize. It is foolish and irresponsible. But who thinks about it? Or do you think, why all this liberal riffraff so popular? They are heroic fighters against the tyrant. Quiet and meek. Because if you were a real tyrant - they would have followed the language, the fear of hard and fast violence.
№ 386380   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2020 / 14:24
Economic knowledge inevitably leads to liberalism.
№ 385159   Added MegaMozg 26-12-2019 / 19:08
Liberal democracy is of a type impossible in a country where there is no dominant middle class.
Quote Explanation: Morning show "Formula meaning" by Dmitry Kulikov and Olga Podolyan on the radio "Vesti FM". 29.11.2019.
№ 383664   Added MegaMozg 01-12-2019 / 09:38
- Can Russian man against an educated person sense to have? In his ignorance he no sense can't have. Since I sistemsta, as you will hear, happened, "with Mayim", so exactly on the wall would be rushed. I hate all Russia, Marya kondratyevna.
- When you were a military yunkerochkom Ali gusarikom young, you would not have said so, and the sword would be pulled and the whole of Russia would protect.
- I don't want to be a military gusarikom, Marya kondratyevna, but wish, on the contrary, the destruction of all soldiers with.
- And when the enemy comes, who will defend us?
- And it is not necessary at all, sir. In the twelfth year Russia was on the great invasion of the French Emperor Napoleon the first, father of the current, and well, if only we then conquered those same French people: clever nation would have conquered a very stupid one and annexed. Most would have been even more orders-S.
№ 382482   Added MegaMozg 13-11-2019 / 16:06
Oh, wow, I'm a liberal!
It's just a passion:
All the abuse on the spot,
Cut, the ditch in parts.
Only worth drinking to me
Glasses three, four, -
And Europe all in flames
The turmoil in the world.
Despises the word "power"
My spirit is social;
For me, an insignificant part,
Policeman, quarterly.
Wave, where I want
The flag of liberalism
Lenders do not cry,
For the sake of communism.
Quote Explanation: Source: Iskra, 1859, No. 33.
№ 381945   Added Viker 05-11-2019 / 14:17
... About the same "swamp" to the public. This urban environment of creative people, olutorsky professions, as well as lower and middle management. Management what? Understand that a significant part of the Moscow environment is a parasitic layer? It exists not on real value added, and as all of our banks. Our banks do not lend to the economy. They are engaged in financial manipulations almost entirely. And make money on this. The largest state-owned banks allocate some money for the decision of the authorities. But this is not lending. This is not banking. This is funding. The same as Soviet, only much more primitive. I remember my first program on television. It was on TVC... Again, let do not know why. It was a very funny team. I'm not going to talk about a political topic, but it was about worms, tied to specific political circumstances. There was a certain worm. Worm - a creature living at the expense of the subject, but consider themselves absolutely independent of the subject. It's about independence. That is, it feeds on this subject, but it is completely independent. This is the policy of the worms. So - most of these people are worms, which are protesting against the body on which they feed.
Quote Explanation: In an interview with Yulia Dorenko for telegram-channel "Defrocked". (07.09.2019).
№ 380777   Added MegaMozg 18-10-2019 / 11:27