doubt [Theme] Page 4

When life, after the accumulation of successes and defeats, brings peace and tranquility to a person, we can conclude that you are happy; but if wariness, anxiety in the heart, anxiety about how to expose the enemy, who, no doubt, is waiting for you, lurking around the corner, become commonplace and guide you every minute, this is a sign that happiness has melted like smoke, and it cannot be returned, it is lost forever.
№ 438482   Added Viker 17-05-2022 / 11:02
Life is too short to waste it on resentments, doubts, fears and doing things that you don't like.
№ 438478   Added Viker 17-05-2022 / 11:02
Is there another case in which the pleasant possibility of the most intimate relationship could continue for so long without becoming bored with monotony? And when is this mutual friendly intimacy born freer, more natural and more convenient? When does her face touch yours more often? When does her hair happen to mix with yours more often, her cheeks to touch your cheeks, her eyes to meet your eyes? Of all the moments of happiness, this is the only time when you can breathe her breath for several hours, feel the heat of her cheeks flaring up and passing into you, follow every gentle vibration of her chest, listen to her every weak breath, as if one breath revives your hearts. No doubt, only at this time or never do we personify or experience in ourselves the love of the primordial couple of the human race, when she walked with angels in paradise until the fruits of the fateful tree darkened the purity of her heart.
№ 438111   Added Viker 29-04-2022 / 14:10
How to judge people, how to regard them? How to put everything on the shelves and decide - I like one, do not like the other? And what do these words mean in the end?
№ 436661   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2022 / 14:00
If you take a pencil and write down his speech verbatim - and in one evening he slandered a whole novel - anyone, having mastered all this, would no doubt come to the conclusion that. that the poor fellow was positively insane. Meanwhile, quite the contrary, Mr. Pritchard was a respectable civil servant and Commander of the Order of the Bath.
№ 436588   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2022 / 10:21
Fear and doubt are poisons for the heart, they destroy it.
№ 436014   Added MegaMozg 23-02-2022 / 22:09
“I…I l-love you,” he whispers almost helplessly, glaring at the enraged Jungkook. Taehyung closes his eyes tightly, waiting for some kind of response. “I don’t care,” he blurts out without a tone of pity or doubt, unhooking Taehyung from him and leaving him to get wet in the rain and choke on his own tears.
№ 435924   Added MegaMozg 20-02-2022 / 04:12
Until now, Fortune has shown me nothing but a gloomy and gloomy face, but now she smiles graciously at me. I want to take advantage of her benevolence, no doubt fleeting.
№ 434994   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 11:12
and you get the same fruits.
№ 433131   Added MegaMozg 15-12-2021 / 22:45
Are you going to spend - how much: six months, a year of your life, to make money just because you are afraid? And you are afraid because you doubt that the one who guides you along this path will take care of you. Truth? You don't trust him after everything he has done for you.
№ 432953   Added MegaMozg 11-12-2021 / 18:39
Come on, let him put another bullet in you, because the first one didn't finish you!
№ 432892   Added MegaMozg 11-12-2021 / 01:39
The time of the tigers is over, no doubt the time of swindlers and charlatans, thieves, robbers and pickpockets is coming; but it's still better, it's a step on the way up.
№ 432406   Added MegaMozg 02-12-2021 / 07:06
It is no coincidence that a person continues to hold on to certain life foundations of his past, even though they may turn out to be false. Since putting them in doubt, you will also have to doubt the correctness of your lived life.
№ 432386   Added MegaMozg 30-11-2021 / 23:15
Be like water. Your mind should be as cold and pure as a mountain spring. Anger, fear, doubt, vanity, lies - all this is rubbish floating on the surface and preventing the truth from being seen. Get rid of it, and then you will be able to see your Path more clearly.
№ 432369   Added MegaMozg 30-11-2021 / 06:27