TV show: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. Page 6

NV Zlobin took the liberty of speaking on behalf of the United States. Listen, Kolya, stop this gimmick with the gas station. Anyone who has ever visited an oil and gas enterprise understands that this is the most complex industry that Russia has built. And how many gas enterprises! Tell me this. Tell me at least one product that I can find in Russia, made in America. Well the phone, the software. About Russia, a gas station, if you said on behalf of China, on behalf of Germany, it would be understandable. But the United States produces practically nothing today. Except software, phones, weapons. Everything is done in China. All medicines are made in China.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. The policy of concessions is the path to defeat. Air on 07.07.2021
№ 422598   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2021 / 09:27
It is necessary to clearly define. Do we need these Euro-structures? Or is the establishment of interstate relations a priority? My personal opinion: we do not need the European Union. This is not a useful organization for Russia. Because in the foreseeable future for tens of years the ball will be ruled by those who are against Russia.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. A policy of concessions is the path to defeat. Air from 07/07/2021
№ 422597   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2021 / 09:24
The West's struggle with Russia is already irrational. But why is it interesting for us? of course, we saw many problems in our Soviet past. We see a lot of problems in our current state. Of course, we are aware of our national shortcomings.
The ongoing struggle with Russia has been going on for 100 years. Civil war... Participation in intervention, foreign influence in the white movement. As a result of the civil war, the country was destroyed to the ground. Maybe someone thinks that before 1941 we had an easy life? No. The war was constantly going on. 1941-45 - there is nothing to say about it. The war was wought on the territory of the USSR. Half the country was destroyed to the ground. Then I had to rebuild the country. Nay. In 1946, the Cold War began. And it started from the West. And it still lasts. Huge resources are spent on confrontation. How many problems could have been solved if not for this war. Roads, cities would be built...
№ 422596   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2021 / 09:21
the world, Dostoevsky, Gogol, the Russian language. Fight it. You still can't win.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov 06.07. 2021
№ 422502   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2021 / 16:33
In fact, religious values are long-lasting and stable. As for modern Western civilization, it seems to me that it is moving into a state of fundamentally anti-religious. The main value of modern Western civilization is the value of sin. She appeals to the passions of a person. That is why she calls her values universal. She appeals to vices. The value of sin is disguised as the value of freedom, free religion. What is freedom in the export version of Western civilization? First of all, it is vanity, an opinion about oneself. This is being broadcast to young people who are not yet formed. The people of Western civilization play on the ignorance and inability of young people to live.
№ 422500   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2021 / 16:27
The question of what values are, how we interpret this concept, becomes very relevant. Philosophically speaking, values are a pronounced essence of the individual, which cuts off the insignificant from the essential. These values are formed in the process of close work of the individual and society. Value is not brought in from the moment of birth, it is nurtured. The problem of values has always arisen in moments of crisis of social development.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov from 06/07/2021
№ 422497   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2021 / 16:18
I'll tell you this: read Engels. Then listen to Soviet songs. And then you will know what is the cell of the state, and why the worldview is formed in the family, and then it will be much easier for you. Remember that your worldview was shaped not only by the Soviet school, but also by your family, as is the case with each of those present here.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. Imposing sameness. Air on 05.07.2021
№ 422381   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2021 / 10:30
Of course. But initially they came from there. And then they gradually began to corrode. (to corrode to experience the destructive effect of corrosion). And when they collapse, we will have to live with laws devoid of a moral foundation. And this is a terrible society.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. Imposing the sameness. Air from 07/05/2021
№ 422373   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2021 / 10:06
I liked the current national security strategy in several ways. The main task is to save the people of Russia. Second, there is an awareness that national security can no longer be based on partnership with America or the EEC. In my opinion, this is a big shift. And one more phrase inspired me. A phrase about the structural transformation of the Russian economy based on its own strength. Before that, we followed the Western paradigm of economic development. If our strategy develops, it will help strengthen Russia.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. Enmity with the West is dangerous, and friendship is deadly. Air on 04.07.2021
№ 422236   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2021 / 08:36
Remembering today July 4 and remembering America, we still need to return to the basic concepts of what model we are talking about - the Chinese, american. If we talk about the American model, the word aggressiveness is positive, and the word conscience does not exist, it is smeared. The word mercy means nothing. Do not transfer our relationship to the relationships of others. So let's not talk about illusions. We don't have them anymore. They have two tasks: minimum and maximum. maximum - to maintain world domination and the dominant model. The minimum task is to quarrel with Russia with this tension, to drive Russia into a corner, and then we'll see.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. Enmity with the West is dangerous, and friendship is deadly. Air on 04.07.2021
№ 422235   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2021 / 08:33
If you move a little away from politics and look at the modern world purely humanly, everything that is happening, it is difficult to think of more idiocy. We're really facing this ill-fated virus. And apparently we don't know much about it. And it's not acting as expected. It was expected to run out of breath. And it takes different forms and new strains appear. It would seem that this is the case when people should unite, put everything aside, sit together and decide. But that's not happening. And there are maneuvers in the Black Sea, in the Pacific region.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. Enmity with the West is dangerous, but friendship is deadly. Air from 07/04/2021
№ 422234   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2021 / 08:30
Stalin, as a person who spoke from a state position, understood that a country like Russia could not be held without a thousand-year history. What did you decide to rely on after Stalin? Khrushchev is a return to Leninism in its most refined form. An attempt to enter the greater historical Russia was completely failed. In my opinion, from that moment on, the Soviet Union was sentenced.
Quote Explanation: Redistribution of spheres of influence in the world: who is the future?
Release Date: 01.07.2021
№ 421885   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 15:00
What is required of Russia? They let it slip out. Give back Abkhazia. Give Ossetia. Which, by the way, are independent. Leave Crimea. Leave Donbass. Respect human rights. It reminds me very much of how the Soviet Union was destroyed. Where does this lead? The task is not to stop at the modern borders of Russia, the task is to destroy Russia. Because they understand that the process of first reducing the role of the Soviet Union abroad, and then distributing the republics of the Soviet Union, they believe, has ended early. At the same time, they do not recognize the right of nations to self-determination, even to the point of secession, there is no need to ask them about Kosovo, about the tragedy of Serbia, they do not understand at all what this is about. There is no need to talk to them about people's interests at all. It doesn't exist for them. If we are not talking about their people. It must be understood that they do not see that the most divided people now are the Russian people. It doesn't exist for them at all. You will see that they will soon start telling that there is no Russian people.
Quote Explanation: Redistribution of spheres of influence in the world: who is the future?
Release Date: 01.07.2021
№ 421884   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 14:57
And that's the last thing the president was talking about. The main thing that gives victory in a hybrid war is the destruction of the principle of feedback between the people and the government. The moment it collapses, when the governor starts to feel like a king, consider that they are half victorious.
Quote Explanation: Redistribution of spheres of influence in the world: who is the future?
Release Date: 01.07.2021
№ 421883   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 14:54
And the second point I would like to say. It would be extremely dangerous in this situation, especially considering that, unfortunately, geopolitical hooligans - marginalized, like Poland and the Baltic limitrophes, and Romania, by the way, have acquired too much influence on Western institutions, to try to go on the defensive. This is how the Soviet Union was lost. When, in the mid-80s, we started leaving everywhere. Of course, we need to create opportunities for pressure on their interests, safe for ourselves, but sensitive for the West. Without bringing it to the level of a conventional war, but not excluding the support of those forces that oppose American domination.
Quote Explanation: Redistribution of spheres of influence in the world: who is the future?
Release Date: 01.07.2021
№ 421882   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 14:51