care [Theme] Page 4

Caring has a mother's hands.
№ 408729   Added MegaMozg 08-12-2020 / 22:42
Food must be prepared with love. Any dish tastes better if it is prepared lovingly. So leave all your worries and worries outside the door.
№ 405424   Added MegaMozg 17-10-2020 / 16:51
The parable of the talents (Matt. 25: 14-30). Each person will give an answer before God at the Last Judgment about how he used the gifts he received from God.
№ 405261   Added MegaMozg 11-10-2020 / 01:03
Not only the happiness of a husband's life depends on his wife, but also the development and growth of his character. A good wife is a blessing of Heaven, the best gift for a husband, his angel and a source of innumerable blessings: her voice for him is the sweetest music, her smile sanctifies his day, her kiss is the guardian of his loyalty, her hands are the balm of his health and all his life , her hard work is the guarantee of his well-being, her frugality is his most reliable manager, her lips are his best advisor, her breasts are the softest pillow on which all worries are forgotten, and her prayers are his advocate before the Lord.
№ 403881   Added MegaMozg 16-09-2020 / 13:42
Usually any victory
on the fronts of the unexealed
human destiny
only clears the field
for other
fierce even more struggle.
The more deafening the blow
there is thunder that is overhead
burst into silence;
candle light brighter in the dark;
as a rule, the cliff is steep
adjacent to the steepness...
For the commander, the ruler
there is no worse opponent,
than idle rumor,
as, however, not for him
and unworthy of care,
than about the majority.
№ 403837   Added MegaMozg 16-09-2020 / 11:30
Did not have women cares, the woman bought a pig.
№ 402058   Added MegaMozg 05-08-2020 / 00:36
As you get older, you start to reconsider unwavering views a young age. Then I thought I was the radical left, wanted to storm the Winter Palace or whatever it was instead of him in England. But now the world is totally different from it's other problems, dangers, and concerns.
Quote Explanation: "The rules of life by Alan Parker," the magazine Esquire (Esquire).
№ 401850   Added MegaMozg 01-08-2020 / 17:09
With love comes sadness,
Worries haunt us
But grief to pay us not sorry
Happiness raced for an hour.
№ 401501   Added MegaMozg 27-07-2020 / 22:36
Sadness should not embarrass the rest of those hearts
Entrusted with care management.
№ 401371   Added MegaMozg 25-07-2020 / 17:45
The commandments of Christ - not just doing for the implementation of the law, but something more: it is a manifestation of Christ's care and love of Christ to those who needs it, indiscriminately, without question, worthy of this person, without question: not a liar is he? - he'll respond, and we will answer for how we to the man reacted.
№ 400547   Added MegaMozg 16-07-2020 / 12:00
"I am calm. I'm surprisingly calm. Spirit of serenity fills me. All thoughts and worries left. Disappeared."
- What stuff?
- Entry.
"I listen to your muscles. They are free and relaxed."
- Oh! This is the case! Relax! [pours]
"My muscles are well rested night. I am ready to meet the coming day. To meet cheerfully. To celebrate vigorously. Attention! I - lightning! Strike!"
Funny guy....
"My whole body is filled with life-giving electricity. I feel the elastic shivering of his muscles."
- Oh! Flinched! [chechetka]
Quote Explanation: Bragin listening to the tape a course of anger management.
№ 400419   Added MegaMozg 14-07-2020 / 08:36
You all that I love - you, uh, you England, born not of cruelty, but to care.
№ 399228   Added MegaMozg 27-06-2020 / 14:00
I'm back - brane worries me is left; in their place
Flocked by the crowd of sweet desire.
№ 398949   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2020 / 18:57
Starting to believe read recently the theory that everything in life is not accidental. Any meeting, any event is the result of any action in the past. Everyone attracts what he wants, openly or on a subconscious level. Herself indignantly respond that much of the disease I definitely did not want to, but then I remember how desperately I wanted the attention, care and support. I'm tired of my life and wanted to relax, slow down, find time for introspection and thinking about the future. And that's got. Only one problem is that you get used to it. When you can shirk responsibility for my life for a very good cause, and not to suffer pangs of conscience, creates a new "comfort zone", but can not bring, and just openly say "I'm bad, leave me alone" or "stay with me", "I need your help". It seems elementary, but is actually very difficult. Talking about your feelings is generally the most difficult, at least for me, but I'm learning. If pain in the heel stopping to walk, it gets smears green paint and again runs forward, and if the pain in the soul, then it somehow decided to ignore, to hide, to pretend as if does not hurt, but in this case for many years, so many splinters to fasten that when opening from the inside going to look like a hedgehog.
№ 398812   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2020 / 11:18
Who I responded to in the forest?
You do that again in the spring
Remembered our past years
Our worries and our troubles,
Our wanderings in a land far away, -
You apalusa my soul?
№ 396507   Added MegaMozg 30-05-2020 / 22:28