desire [Theme]

Still, new times will perhaps require new consciousnesses!
№ 465611   Added MegaMozg 05-04-2024 / 15:12
Control over unbridled desires, the ability to live within the bounds of reason, not only meet our own interests. They are essential to preserving life on Earth, which is threatened by our insatiable appetites.
№ 465556   Added MegaMozg 03-04-2024 / 03:39
- U
№ 465413   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 06:03
My rule was to always strive to conquer myself rather than fate, to change my desires rather than the order of the world.
№ 465257   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2024 / 22:15
A person degrades as his selfish desires grow.
№ 465106   Added MegaMozg 25-03-2024 / 03:09
By limiting our needs and desires, we protect ourselves from the suffering of dissatisfaction and disappointment into which greed plunges us.
№ 465067   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2024 / 03:27
- It turned out that the soul desires something completely different.
1 Season 1 Series
№ 464910   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 13:02
- Angry? No. Does it kill and deprive you of strength? And how. You can’t even imagine how... I brought him out of the kingdom of the goddess Persephone, carried his soul next to my heart, and this connected me with him forever. But he didn’t promise me anything, and I can’t demand anything from him. I'm just glad it exists. Glad I met him. All my strength is for him. “I love him more than my life, and I love her indescribably,” the girl smiled. - But he will never know about it. You can't keep the sun on a leash. It will destroy you and everything around you.
№ 464729   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:34
“I feel good when you’re around,” the girl said to the vampire. - With you... I feel everything. I know I shouldn't be around, but you... are stronger than me. And most importantly, I know I can trust you.
№ 464688   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:27
I don’t understand those philosophers who constantly say: remember death, life is nothing; desires, pleasures - everything is a dream. If death is the cessation of life, then can I forget, can I reject that treasure that was given to me for a short time, once I have lost it, I will lose it forever and will never replace it. If death is only a transition to immortality, then life is the essence of immortality and cannot and should not be forgotten. On the contrary, pay attention to it in order to make it worthy of immortality.
№ 463174   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 13:09
And all these stupid people, Roderick... If you don’t want Ligadon, don’t buy it. If you don't want to get hooked, don't lean on it. They are angry that we made it available and desirable. You idiots, this is our job! These people... First they want a cheap lunch in five minutes, and then they whine that it's made of crap and plastic. McDonald's would only serve coleslaw if people ate it. It's there, but people don't buy it. We'll do research on AIDS, diabetes and heart disease, but first we'll figure out how to make old penises stand five minutes longer. What is the market share of sluggish members, Roderick? Sixty, seventy percent of the market belongs to the pharmaceutical industry? That year the Pentagon spent eighty-three million on Viagra. Meanwhile, the fucking Supreme Court is doing its thing: overturning women's constitutional right to abortion, taking away not only their choice, but their future, their potential. We turn men into inseminators, and women into factories producing what? - poor labor force. Which one will spend what? - the little that earns for consumption. And what desires do we inspire in them? - at home, which they cannot afford. Cars that poison the air. Disposable plastic. Clothes made by hungry children in third world countries. And they want it all so badly that they beg, scream, insist. And the problem... is us? These stupid monsters, these money-grubbers, these greedy mouths. They blame you and me for everything. They themselves invented us. They always needed us. So you and I have nothing to embarrass, brother. It's time to pay. So let’s not hide in the basement as if we have something to be ashamed of. No. Not for us. You and me against the world. Let death itself appear! If she wants damn Madeleine Usher, she should look me in the eye first.
№ 463091   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:27
Why are the music and film industries so obsessed with sex? We are told that this is because “sex sells,” that is, the masses want sex, they want to see it and consume it. Thus, these industries are simply satisfying an already existing demand. In fact, these industries create demand. They force shamelessness on people until they create dependence. It's the same with drug distribution. Nobody naturally wants to inhale smoke. No one wakes up wanting to inject deadly chemicals into their veins. Nobody naturally wants to drink the rancid, rotten fermentation products of putrid fruits and vegetables. These are all artificial desires that these industries spend billions of dollars a year on, injecting them into the minds and souls of people through advertising and other forms of cultural engineering until people begin to think that these desires arise naturally and therefore need to be satisfied. This is why Western morality is so naturalistic. According to him, the most moral thing is to act in accordance with natural human rights and natural human interests. The liberal human rights regime is based on this. But no one is interested in how natural these rights and interests are? And even if they are natural, who decided that we are morally obligated to act in accordance with what is “natural”?
№ 463056   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:22
Teaching an unloved school subject means teaching someone else's knowledge.
№ 463010   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:14