Germany [Theme] Page 2

They are not political refugees. They are migrants. Like 9 million Ukrainians who work outside Ukraine, according to statistics from the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs. Europe let them in. And they let them in from Belarus? With the Kurds, everything is possible, as then - with the Jews. And at the same time use it for a political and dirty game, violating all your laws. And they don't give a damn about people, as they did in 1938.
Quote Explanation: Encouraging Polish adventures.
Release Date: 14.11.2021
№ 432020   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2021 / 06:30
- Yes, we proceed from this, because we have never begun to deteriorate our relations either with NATO, or with the European Union, or with any other country in the West or any other region of the world. Everyone knows this story well. And when Saakashvili gave the criminal order to bomb Tskhenval and the positions of the Russian peacekeepers in August 2008, Russia insisted on convening a NATO Council of Russia to consider the situation. The then Secretary of State, Candolisa Rice, flatly refused. Although, when creating the Council of Russia, NATO was especially emphasized in the fundamental act that it must act in any weather. And especially should gather in crisis situations. This example marked the beginning of the current state of affairs in relations between Russia and NATO. This continued when the Americans provoked and supported the coup in Ukraine in February 2014, and the European Union swallowed the actions of the opposition, although on the eve of this coup, Germany, France, Poland, with their signatures, guaranteed an agreement between the then President Yanukovych and the opposition. And in the morning the opposition trampled on all these guarantees of the European Union and did it in its own way. And for this, the European Union imposed sanctions against Russia. You see, there is no need to look for logic here. The same is true with regard to the assessments that are being heard from NATO capitals about our forced retaliatory step. Moreover, our reciprocal step is three steps by NATO. Because our representation was cut three times. And most importantly, we are simply not allowed to work there. It was officially said that all contacts between the military were cut off. Then what kind of loss of opportunities for dialogue are we talking about? We proposed two years ago through the mouth of the chief of the gene. of the headquarters of the armed forces of the Russian Federation Valery Gerasimov to agree on the withdrawal of exercises at a certain distance from the contact line between Russia and NATO, to agree on the minimum distances that should not be violated by combat aircraft and warships. And much more has been suggested. Just a wall of silence. And when the minister in. Affairs of Germany said today that by its step Russia shows that it is not ready for negotiations. I just told you how we were ready to negotiate. And how NATO has been ignoring us for more than one year. In such statements and assessments of Western representatives, there is an understanding of the loss of their position, and the desire to blame someone else and the lack of diplomatic culture.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. A pervasive problem with constructive dialogue. Air from 10/19/2021
№ 431022   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2021 / 12:09
Germans are not a nation of revolutionaries. They were a nation of executors. The order replaced their conscience. This has become their favorite excuse. Whoever acted under the order, in their opinion, did not bear any responsibility.
№ 429319   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 17:50
Those who decided to stay precisely because they would soon be able to return began to torment some vague sense of loss. The prospect of staying in the States did not seem as bright as before, although, in essence, nothing changed. And those who intended to return and before whom Europe, the old homeland always loomed, suddenly felt that now this is not paradise at all, but a devastated land full of all sorts of problems. It was like a weather vane: it turned one side, then the other. The touching illusions that they all lived with burst. Both those who wanted to return and those who wanted to stay equally felt like deserters. This time they deserted themselves.
№ 429315   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 17:50
Once my homeland was Germany, then Austria, France, in general - Europe, and after that America, and each time this or that country became my homeland only because I left it, and not at all because I lived in her.
№ 429251   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 17:40
"Germany above all" is for Nietzsche the end of German philosophy.
№ 420911   Added MegaMozg 17-06-2021 / 03:24
Since the reign of Peter the Great, foreign scientists, military, diplomats, artists faithfully served the Russian monarchy. There were many immigrants from Germany among them. Their descendants settled in Russia, preserving the language and some traditions that underwent changes over time in the Russian manner, and as a result became often even more Russian than the indigenous people. What can I say, it came to the point that the Russian autocrats could rightly be called Germans. The establishment of family ties between the dynasties began with the marriage of the parents of Peter III - Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and Duke of Holstein-Gottorp Karl Friedrich. After that, the process became irreversible, and two centuries later the Romanovs already had a dominant percentage of German blood.
№ 407115   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2020 / 00:36
But again, the question arises: what does the Soviet Union have to do with it? Oh yes, on September 17, 1939, we also entered the territory of Poland, committing a terrible crime against the Polish statehood. What norms are we talking about at all? In this case, there are four of them: the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921, the Paris Briand-Kellogg Pact, the non-aggression pact between Poland and the USSR of 1932 and, finally, the Convention on the Definition of Aggression of 1933. Document titles are large-scale. And if you do not know what they contain, probably, you really just need to sprinkle ashes on your head, the whole country to fall to its knees and ask the proud Polish gentry to forgive us. But as soon as you open the first of these documents, it will immediately turn out that there is nothing to repent of, in general. And Poland, to put it mildly, distorts the cards. Let's start with the fundamental document in all this history - the Convention on the Definition of Aggression. Today, those Poles who call on the peoples of Russia to repent for 1939, for some reason forget to clarify that this document was proposed by Moscow, that is, the Soviet Union. The convention has an important point: "The invasion of its armed forces, at least without declaring war on the territory of another state." That is, the entry of troops of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army into the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus could be regarded as a violation. But this convention, despite all the proposals of Moscow, was never adopted, which means that it did not become a document of international law. This happened thanks to the position of Great Britain and France. And Poland was not eager to support this document. But that's half the trouble. The problem is that a convention cannot exist on its own. It was to be part of a thrice international agreement on arms limitation. You probably won't be surprised if I say that the agreement was not signed. That is, the Soviet Union is accused of violating the main provisions of international law, although these provisions are spelled out in documents that were not adopted, and at the same time proposed to adopt them by the USSR. Now let's turn to the Briand-Kellogg Pact, which the Soviet Union brazenly ignored in order to destroy Polish statehood. It has a clause condemning war as a means of settling international disputes. Awesome. Let's admit that there was indeed a misunderstanding between Moscow and Warsaw. So what happens? In September 1939, Germany attacks Poland, war begins, then Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. And then comes September 17, 1939. The Soviet Union introduces troops into the territory of Western Belarus, Western Ukraine. Did Great Britain and France declare war on the Soviet Union for violating the Briand-Kellogg Pact? Of course not. Let's ask a more complicated question: did Poland declare war on the Soviet Union? You will be surprised, but not only was war not declared on the Soviet Union, the Polish army was ordered categorically not to engage in hostilities with the troops of the Red Army. In other words, the Polish government then, in 1939, did not regard the entry of Red Army troops into the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus as a violation of the Briand-Kellogg Pact. <... > And since the Briand-Kellogg Pact does not add up very well, they immediately occupy the following line of defense: the non-aggression pact between Poland and the Soviet Union of 1932 was violated. <... > The defeat of Poland in the war with Germany automatically meant the termination of the 1932 treaty. Agree, if one of the two partners by the standards of international law ceases to exist, how and at what expense should the treaty operate? For some reason, Polish political scientists and experts do not want to categorically talk about this. How they are not going to talk about the fact that the Soviet Union in the autumn of 1939 complied with absolutely all the norms of international law: the government of the USSR summoned the Polish ambassador in Moscow and notified him that in connection with the defeat of Poland in the war with the Third Reich, the 1932 treaty was now terminated.
№ 407113   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2020 / 00:30
Let me give you another document. This is the report of the International Commission on reparations from Germany headed by I. M. Maisky, prepared in February 1945. The objectives of the Commission included the definition of the formula, according to which a defeated Germany had to reimburse the damage to the victorious powers. The Commission came to the following conclusion: "the amount spent by Germany on the Soviet front soldato-days exceeds the same number in all the other allied fronts at least 10 times. The Soviet front was also delayed four-fifths of the German tanks and about two thirds of the German aircraft". In General, the share of the USSR accounted for about 75 percent of all military efforts of the coalition. The red army during the war "milled" 626 divisions of the axis, of which 508 are German. 28 April 1942 Roosevelt in his address to the American nation said: "Russian forces have destroyed and continue to destroy more manpower, planes, tanks and guns of our enemy, than all the other United Nations put together." Churchill's message to Stalin on September 27, 1944, wrote that "it was the Russian army that tore the guts out of the German military machine...".
Quote Explanation: The article "75 years of Victory: a shared responsibility before history and the future". "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" — Federal issue № 133(8187). (19.06.2020).
№ 398675   Added MegaMozg 21-06-2020 / 15:03
But what is this high feeling that, in the opinion of the ruling classes must educate the peoples?
The feeling is there, in the precise definition of his own, nothing like the preference of the state or the people of any other state and people, feeling quite Express German Patriotic song: "Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles" ["Germany, Germany above all"], which is only to insert instead of Deutschland Russland, Frankreich, Italien or N. N., i.e., any other state, and is the clear formula high sense of patriotism. It may well be that the feeling is very desirable and useful for governments and for the integrity of the state, but it is impossible not to see that the feeling is not high, but on the contrary, very stupid and very immoral; stupid because, if every state will consider itself better than any other, it is obvious that they will all be wrong and immoral because it inevitably leads every man experiencing it to gain benefits for their state and nation at the expense of other States and peoples, - attraction opposite the main, commonly accepted moral law: not to do another and another, whatever we wanted, so we did.
Quote Explanation: About patriotism.
№ 394671   Added MegaMozg 13-05-2020 / 14:30
We should support small and medium businesses to strengthen ties with multinational corporations in such countries as Japan and Germany. We must become their partners so they could get modern technology and streamlined production, and our businesses are small and medium businesses would grow at the expense of their own resources. They will be able to grow to large corporations only if their leadership will show acumen and entrepreneurial spirit. Government support could help them, but it will not be the decisive factor by which the small business will become big or successful.
№ 393806   Added MegaMozg 07-05-2020 / 23:30
Ordinary workers - it's just a cattle, just slaves to powerful people - that at us that abroad. Here and there they get crumbs from the master's table. The only difference is that countries such as USA, Germany, Britain - a country "first world" who drink the blood of the third world; therefore money is found there more, so social benefits there are more.
№ 391929   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2020 / 14:12
The volume accumulated can imagine a simple example: the theft and export outside Russia metals accumulated in the Soviet Union, giving the opportunity for a good fifteen years to live a different kind of strong business executives a dozen countries (Ukraine. Germany, Baltic States, USA, France and others). And supplies of salt, matches, soap, canned food and sugar, zanesennykh citizens of the state in the last epoch of the deficit (in 1970 - 1980‑e years), was, according to experts, expended by the mid 90‑ies of the last century.
№ 386695   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2020 / 20:09
For many years I meet the Germans, who admit that they are ashamed to be Germans. And every time I feel tempted to tell them that I am ashamed to be human.
Quote Explanation: From the article Hannah Arendt "Organized guilt". 1944.
№ 386495   Added MegaMozg 21-01-2020 / 10:15