Author of quotes: Sam Vaknin. Page 1

A shared fantasy is sort of like Disneyland. But why is she capable of producing a reaction of prolonged grief? The reason is that shared fantasy is actually similar to trance or pseudo-hypnosis.
Quote Explanation: Mass psychogenic illness. Mass psychogenic illness (MPI) is the spread of symptoms of an illness among a population in which there is no infectious agent responsible for the infection. it is a rapid spread of signs and symptoms of disease affecting members of a cohesive group, arising from a disturbance of the nervous system, including agitation, loss or change of functions, while physical complaints that appear unconsciously do not have a corresponding organic etiology.
№ 462684   Added MegaMozg 08-02-2024 / 03:42
How does a narcissist create addiction in an intimate partner? He idealizes it and then allows the intimate partner to form an emotional attachment to the idealized image of himself. So it's just a form of self-love. Therefore, when an intimate partner falls in love with a narcissist, he does not fall in love with the narcissist, because the narcissist is unknowable. A narcissist is simply a quantity of something that one cannot fall in love with. The intimate partner falls in love with the image idealized by the narcissist. The narcissist gives access to an idealized image and then allows one to be in contact with his idealization and this is excellent. You just fall in love with yourself.
Quote Explanation: Paracosm is a detailed imaginary world. It is believed that paracosms, as a rule, originate in childhood and have one or multiple creators.
№ 462658   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2024 / 04:21
When you are in fantasy, you are God.
№ 462558   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2024 / 15:18
Hate complements fear, and narcissists like to be feared. This fills them with an intoxicating feeling of omnipotence.
№ 462483   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 10:11
Quote in English
Quote Explanation: Lat. victima - victim
№ 462482   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 10:11
People make tens of billions of dollars from addiction treatment.
№ 462434   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2024 / 21:03
Addiction is a fantasy.
№ 462433   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2024 / 21:00
Fantasy protection is protection from bad things.
№ 462432   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2024 / 20:57
To “be recognized” as a perverted narcissist, you must STRIVE to be in a relationship with the narcissist, despite the abuse committed against you. You must ACTIVELY seek a relationship with a narcissist and ONLY a narcissist, no matter what your past experiences (bitter and traumatic) have been. You should feel EMPTY and UNSATISFIED in relationships with ANY OTHER type of person. Only in this case, provided that you meet other diagnostic criteria for Dependent Personality Disorder, can you safely be called a “perverted narcissist.”
№ 462161   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:32
The covert narcissist often feels guilt and shame for socially disapproved aggressive urges and desires. Accordingly, he is shy and modest, and very self-critical (perfectionist). This internal conflict between an overwhelming sense of worthlessness and a grandiose False Self leads to mental discord and anxiety disorders. He teams up with a classic narcissist (see below), but secretly becomes resentful and envious of him.
Quote Explanation: A comparison of the classic narcissist and the covert narcissist is given in the table (Cooper and Akhtar, 1989)
№ 462160   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:32
The covert narcissist is different: he suppresses his true self because he is not confident enough to assert himself. This is his unconscious choice: he cannot refuse it. The covert narcissist is his own harsh critic.
№ 462159   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:32
Ultimately, people strive to please and obey. So it doesn't matter how bad it has been so far. You can reverse this train by making new statements about yourself, loudly protesting the previous version, becoming someone else and making yourself known to everyone. And, lo and behold! You will miraculously become someone else. People will start respecting you and stop insulting you. They will seek out your company and help you achieve your goals. It's completely up to you. So, get to work!
№ 462038   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 14:53
People look at you the same way they look at the Internet or television. You are entertainment for the vast majority of people. And they are stupid as night, and are unable to distinguish reality from fantasy, reality from delusion, reality from delusion, or reality from conspiracies.
Quote Explanation: Delusion is a paranoid disorder in which a person (usually well-known and respected) exhibits excessive, pathological love for himself.
№ 462037   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 14:53
The vast majority of people are brainless and dumb as rocks. Yes, I just offended a lot of rocks. People are like chimpanzees. You can convince people of the most outlandish and contradictory facts and statements about themselves.
Quote Explanation: Lecture “It’s up to you to decide how people treat you. Change your messages and signals"
№ 462036   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 14:53