process [Theme]

She felt herself losing touch with reality, but could not stop the irreversible process. The roots of dreams grew deeper and deeper into reality. The boundary between sleep and reality day after day became dim and erased, as if drawn with chalk on the asphalt, forcing Alice to doubt the authenticity of what was happening.
№ 465726   Added MegaMozg 10-04-2024 / 03:30
By its very nature, the busyness of everyday life pulls us inward, away from others. The daily routine invites self-absorption. Troubles promote concentration on oneself. This in itself is destructive and can be exacerbated by the belief that well-being is a purely internal and individual process. Withdrawal and self-focus promote narcissistic behavior, which is the opposite of love and affection.
№ 465435   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 07:09
And they can give you very little.
Quote Explanation: © Copyright: Piotr Kwiatkowski, 2019
№ 465414   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 06:06
A participant in a market economy must initially have the freedom to independently choose benefits. By acting in the interests of his own benefit, as well as choosing a way to achieve it, a participant in market production expands the choice for other participants who react to his choice, and he himself takes into account the actions of others. Therefore, a market economy can be defined as a continuous process of joint achievement of individual and social net benefits by its participants.
№ 464044   Added Viker 15-03-2024 / 15:33
It goes without saying that children are inferior to adults.
№ 464004   Added Viker 15-03-2024 / 15:27
Young children ask to be read the same book over and over again because it helps them learn language (including story structure). This process is called immersion. Listening to the same book over and over again is part of immersion. Repetition, among other things, promotes mental development: the child hears speech, masters words and concepts, acquires certain speech skills - and the necessary neural connections between brain cells arise and are strengthened.
№ 463592   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 14:40
The narcissist becomes asexual after such betrayal and betrayal. This is the exact opposite of cuckolding. Cuckolds get sexual arousal from betrayal and betrayal. Their libido increases, not decreases. They are not depressed. They're just in pain.
Quote Explanation: “Narcissistic fantasy of betrayal.”
№ 463437   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 11:26
A process in which the consciousness of an individual or group of people is changed so that behavior becomes the opposite of what can be expected from the person.
Quote Explanation: Definition of the word Alienacio (madness, alienation, insanity) from the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy
№ 463159   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 12:27
In psychotic disorder, we know that people become clones of each other. There is even a famous study on the physiological level of women. Women who are placed in the same room synchronize their menstrual cycles over time. Almost everyone started their period on the same day.
№ 463148   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 12:11
Here you go - simple music. Not even an abuser.
Quote Explanation: An autonomous person is the master of his life, himself, his resources. A person who is dependent on his emotions or moods is not an autonomous person. He is dependent and does not decide for himself - his mood decides for him.
№ 462980   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:10
The subject of history is something in the past that does not pass away, like an inheritance, a lesson, an unfinished process, like an eternal law.
№ 462448   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 10:05
In taking a step back, we see not failure, but an opportunity for revision and improvement. This process can be repeated until each step forward becomes stronger than the previous one, leading us to higher heights of development and achievement.
№ 462095   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:02
The narcissist thinks that you are manipulating him, playing with his mind. He thinks it's a game of power and mind that you've gotten yourself into. He is confused, he is disoriented. You are his mother, a maternal figure. Why are you doing this to him? So whenever you disagree with the narcissist, or criticize something, or suggest something, or give advice, or even offer help, the narcissist perceives it as shifting blame that is contrary to the facts. But there are facts in the narcissist's mind that he is innocent, he doesn't deserve what you do. Your actions border on malicious intent
№ 461692   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2024 / 04:03
Therefore, he says to himself: “I thought about her correctly and adequately when I met her. My perception of her was correct. Everything is fine with me. She is the one who has changed. Why she changed so much - I don’t know. This is all the influence of her envious friends. Her family is turning her against me. Is she mentally ill or is she physically ill. Perhaps some medications affected her.
Quote Explanation: Internalization is the process of transforming beliefs, values, evaluations of other people and norms of behavior into qualities of one’s own personality, both positive and negative.
№ 461689   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2024 / 03:54
Typically, narcissists throw insults at you and wait for a reaction. For example they say: You
№ 460144   Added Viker 18-12-2023 / 10:39