attempt [Theme] Page 5

We try and try again.
№ 403197   Added MegaMozg 28-08-2020 / 20:24
Narcissus, so referred to in the poem of Ovid is the one who thinks he's found himself looking in the mirror. His life is to seek its own reflection in the eyes of other people. These people exist not as individuals, but as a mirror. The narcissist is an empty shell, which itself does not exist; it is "man" trying to create the illusion to hide its emptiness. His fate is just an attempt to avoid death. This man, who never thought of the man forced to play the game with the mirror, to believe in its existence. This game is like a kaleidoscope, repeats and becomes more frequent, but in vain - the person remains empty.
№ 400635   Added MegaMozg 17-07-2020 / 11:21
Partly S. Stankevich right when he says that there are certain important red lines that, if the Americans go, be direct and clear threat. The only problem is that the Americans do not know about the existence of these red lines. They act as if outside of them. Here you see a sober look at what they are doing. This is an attempt to play Reagan and Reagan's policies bring a situation to any already prior to the explosion, but no Reagan without Reagan's America, not Reagan's allies, and without the Reagan China, which was one of the most important elements of deterrence and then the collapse of the Soviet Union in the final stage. In this sense, this policy is, of course, very adventuristic.
Release Date: 01.07.2020
№ 399710   Added MegaMozg 02-07-2020 / 19:06
A rebellion is a failed revolution. Failed attempt to replace a bad government others in the same.
№ 399162   Added MegaMozg 26-06-2020 / 11:54
A smaller version of life. How many of us are cowardly choose him?
So just say, "My talent I will not support". To have jobs, to spend forces for the execution of someone else's dreams, and his - to give time in fits and starts. If only in fits and starts, nothing good happens.
Get a hobby, get a attempt. Then the desire, the energy, the ardor will come to naught. Talent shrinks up and rot inside will be a sadness in his eyes - at best. In the worst - anger, peevishness, a quarrelsome disposition.
Small, well-fed, predictable life - its price is so high for the soul, and then there's wasted each year adds interest.
Only the truly brave can dive into the unknown without salaries and bonuses, fight monsters and chimeras criticism, ridicule, fears, lack of money. We have such arms - trust in the invisible world, which is always, at the right moment, comes support. Live boldly every day set yourself a new, complicated tasks that strain your brain. Appreciate this precious life, spend it on the important - that's what you are asking heart.
№ 398539   Added Viker 19-06-2020 / 13:27
- All you can't save.
- You can try.
№ 398366   Added MegaMozg 18-06-2020 / 14:54
Now, about the elite. A very important topic. I have a very simple understanding of the elites, and it is very important to our history first. The elite - those who want to establish the dependence of power from himself. And in that moment, when she gets this addiction, it becomes elite. You say "influence the government". What does the word affect? Well, I've influenced, advised, No. This refers to a very specific effect, which can form a solution. This really is the essence of the Western elite. And here the nerve - rashodnie us with them. Our history is the struggle of the people and the state, including autocracy, so we have formed elite. If you look at all of our crises, this crisis is caused by the fact that he tried to form an elite, which will depend on the power and be the intermediary between the government and the people. Though take in 1612, pronounced in the Council of seven, was born there. The whole controversy with the Terrible Kurbsky is devoted to it. And Ivan said, no, we will have no elites. And no will power to depend on anyone. There is power, and the people there. And the relationship between them of trust and responsibility. Intermediaries that will influence decisions is not needed. It was revealed in all its glory in the era of Ivan the terrible. And then there were 1612 and an attempt to form the boyar elite. Answer for everything will be sovereign, and they will rule.
And then to 1917. Sorry, but who overthrew the king? The Bolsheviks? No. Overthrew those who wish to become elite. If you view the party crisis - the same story. Everything that happened after Stalin Khrushchev is trying to become elite.
The elite because the elite that it has no responsibility. Responsibility - power, which she manipulates and of the people. This is the essence of the elite.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov on 09.06.2020
№ 397750   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:52
Whether it is necessary to pay attention to people who are trying to make the Christian hope of "heaven" when they say,
what they do not want to spend eternity playing the harp. These men I answer, that if they cannot understand books written for adults, you should not talk about them.
All the images in Scripture (harps, crowns, gold) is simply an attempt to Express the inexpressible. Musical instruments are mentioned in the Bible because to many people (not all) music best conveys vostorgina and a sense of infinity. The crowns say that those who are United with God in eternity share His splendour and power and joy. Gold symbolizes timelessness (because it does not rust) and enduring value. People who understand all of these characters literally, with the same success could have thought that, advising us to be as doves, Christ wanted us to be carrying eggs.
№ 396219   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:22
I can provide a definition that will help You. The cold war is different from any other form of competition, the fact that the result of the cold war is the attempt to change the ruling system. So if You do not aim to overthrow the ruling class and changing the system of governance and changes in the internal structure of the country,
You may have competition. When America is directly declares that China is the enemy because he scary the Communist party, and the people of China must be freed from pressure when directly declared that Russia is ruled by a terrible dictatorship and tyranny, and the people of Russia should be free, as they say, here all is clear.
Release Date: 24.05.2020
№ 396174   Added MegaMozg 25-05-2020 / 11:51
Of course, you can't really avoid responsibility for your actions and your being. Liability neither the left or right, and such an attempt is always destructive to someone trying to do it. I stood up Louise with her obsessive desire to please and thereby showed that the only way to please me - not to be obsequious. In doing so, I exacerbated its contradictions. This tactic output constant inner struggle Louisa.
№ 396099   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:57
Remember how Adam and eve became ashamed, tried to hide from the Creator (see Genesis 3:18-10)? This attempt was irrational, because God is omnipresent and omniscient. In addition, God is love, and therefore should not have to fear and hide from Him, even if escape would be possible in principle. The same thing happens with a person who sins and never repents: God's love is beginning to cause him fear, and he fancies that God is raging and angry. But it isn't God turns into a cruel and impatient master, is not He, but we have changed and because transformered and our perception of God (Jn. 1:5, 9-11; 3:19-21; 1 In. 1:5-7). Remember that Jesus will never reject those who come to Him in repentance, seeking forgiveness, healing and authentic life.
№ 395708   Added Viker 22-05-2020 / 07:43
A moment of revelation, mystery, Enigma,
The touch of God, the Union of delight and fear.
I've been trying, but at this very moment
My stone flies in the water, and that it is always in the center of the circle.
Tried to throw from the South, from the West, at sunset
In the morning, from different angles, with different rocks.
The other hand, the jump blindly.
Some kind of trap, still hitting center of the circle that year.
№ 395699   Added Viker 22-05-2020 / 07:41
I still continue to believe in coincidence. But I don't believe in a massive coincidence. I can say that such a massive coordinated attack on Victory day and all of our historical moments I do not remember.
I think it was an attempt to test the technology is very coordinated.
The second point. This, of course, a very unexpected thing. View. It really Vlasov. This cannot be blamed on the 90's. It is people zero. People who have more or less tasty eating, have more or less lived in comfort and so we upustili then. We missed this generation in the years fed. And that's about it, we need to think about. Because Yes, it is good that the investigative Committee found them. But as the experience of the events of July-August 2019, the fear quickly passes.
Look at the hero's event last year. What happened to them? Nothing. Many of them, incidentally, got a promotion. On new posts feel very well. And prepare for new battles, as I understand it, this summer. And this fear shows that insincere. "Excuse me, mister..." Well what is it? it will be released.
Scary is not that he is Hitler posted, scared that he would be released.
And here is the question about the prerequisites. Who do we grow? Why do we grow? And who raises? Because so we, unfortunately, we see how Patriotic education, especially schools, is becoming more and more dogmatic form. A parallel is life with Kalami from Urengoy. With these uncontrolled our grants for the export of adolescents. Not children, teenagers. Export to USA and washing them there brains. Do not you think that we are trying to play the scenario "Restructuring 2-0"? After all, it was the same thing. "Kill the human past, and do with it what you want".
With people who have killed in the past, killed by the understanding that in 1941-45, it was not just the victory of one state over another, and it was about the life and death of society and the people. In that moment, when through political manipulation, through various kinds of fraud this understanding will kill the people, which it is not, you can do whatever you want.
And here arises the question: for strategic goal setting where are we going? What state are we building? We storim state eternally warring towers? We are building a nation where the police begin to pay attention to it only when shore lost at all? That's it for me with a big and dangerous question. Because if we miss this situation, we will receive a boomerang, not later than 3-4 months a powerful wave of information sweeps the political situation in our country.
Release Date: 17.05.2020
№ 395360   Added MegaMozg 18-05-2020 / 17:06
Maintaining a house clean is a kind of constant struggle. Until the main leaders keep the honor of the uniform, any attempt to bring the dirt will be prevented, and the house to clean. The only thing that can ensure the party "people's action" is the same purity of a hypothetical government that will replace it, if the party loses the next election. In the event of such developments, it became necessary to create a special constitutional mechanisms. We adopted the Constitution on which the President elected not on the parliamentary and General elections, and the President has the right to veto the expenditure of public funds by the Cabinet of Ministers. Now the President has the opportunity to cancel the decision of the Prime Minister, if he stops or delays the investigation of cases of corruption associated with someone from the higher echelons of power or with himself.
№ 394966   Added MegaMozg 15-05-2020 / 09:18
Instead of fighting, wouldn't it be better to stop trying at all?
№ 390143   Added Viker 04-04-2020 / 09:22